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If your life is for realizing purpose, you live, otherwise you just exist

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If your life is for realizing purpose, you live, otherwise you just exist

2020. május 18. - 14:16

Many says that Zul-Qurnayn in the Quran is Alexander the Great. His life is parable and has a lot of messages. In this article we analyze one of them. The message: not your existence but your life is important. Because you just exist with your existence but with your life you realize different purposes. As Zul-Qurnayn did.

They ask thee concerning Zul-qarnain. Say, "I will rehearse to you something of his story." (Quran 18:83)

Literally, "the Two-horned one", the King with the Two Horns, or the Lord of the Two Epochs. Who was he? In what age, and where did he live? The Quran gives us no material on which we can base a positive answer. Nor is it necessary to find an answer, as the story is treated as a Parable. Popular opinion identifies Dhul al Qarnayn with Alexander the Great. An alternative suggestion is an ancient Persian king, or a pre-historic Himyarite King. Dhul al Qarnayn was a most powerful king, but it was Allah, Who, in His universal Plan, gave him power and provided him with the ways and means for his great work. His sway extended over East and West, and over people of diverse civilisations. He was just and righteous, not selfish or grasping. He protected the weak and punished the unlawful and the turbulent. Three of his expeditions are described in the text, each embodying a great ethical idea involved in the possession of kingship or power.

Verily We established his power on earth, and We gave him the ways and the means to all ends. (Quran 18:84)

One (such) way he followed, (Quran 18:85)

The worst what we can say if we solace somebody: we love you.
Example. There is a man who wants to commit suicide. He fells in deep depression and his family want to dissuade him from his deed. But we love you, they say! Of course, you love him but it is not enough! You love even the pet but he is not a pet! Why don’t you say: we need you! If life has a purpose, if there is a motivation to live for, man reconsiders his will about suicide.

Love is basis. We can’t argue with it. Of course, we love you! Why? Should we hate you? The same text is said by missionaries: Jesus loves you! Of course, he loves you, however does he need us? This is the question.

Allah loves you. If He would have not loved you, He had not created you. Our creation is not aimless. Everyone has task. If there would be no task, our creation would be meaningless and Allah (SWT) never does anything meaningless. You have skills, capabilities, qualities and mind. Based on these, you have to discover your way what Allah has appointed for you. If you don’t find your way it is your problem and don’t blame Allah for that.

Because, simple love serves only existence. What is existence? It means: occupying a place from space. For existence we need oxygen, food, place for our consciousness, so we need all what keeps the comfort of our physical and spiritual status. Life is not equal with existence. Because, life can make sense if I can get answer for this: what am I good for and what am I necessary for? If my life meets that requirement I will not fall in depression and suicide susceptibility will avoid me, because there is a need for my life! So, my existence is not necessary for anyone because my existence represents concurrence for other existences. However, if my life finds purpose and it is accepted by others, my environment needs me and my creation has meaning.

Therefore, if we solace somebody it is better if we emphasize our need for him and don’t highlight his existence. Then, he will know he has place among us. As Zul-Qurnayn had his place!

Back to Zul-Qarneyn. There is no evidence in the Quran and Hadith that he is Alexander the Great. You can read more about it here: https://mek.oszk.hu/17000/17082/ in the Annex after Sura No. 18. But, according to our actual knowledge presumably he is the one. No matter who Zul-Qarneyn was, he conquered huge despot empires where he introduced justice. He never touched indigenous people living in their natural circumstances. He passed on and left them in peace while turned his face towards bigger challenges. He stood beside weak and supported them with his defending strength. No matter how long did the empire what he ruled last, he had a great impact on humanity. He established basement for teachings of the prophets who came later in the next generations. Overthrowing of the tyrant, setting up justice and defending weak are virtues what can be served as basement for parables. Could Zul-Qurnayn know in advance that he prepares place for divine teachings? Of course, he couldn’t know. However, he used those skills and qualities what Allah (SWT) created for him and his life got purpose. This goal was superior to those what ordinary people can set for themselves. Because, an ordinary man wants to realize a goal what he can foresee. However, a not ordinary man knows that he must act, he has mission, even if he can’t see exactly where his way leads to. He never gives up. This is one of the big messages of Zul-Qurnayn and Allah had good reason to refer his life in the Quran.
