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Serving interest or serving creation are quite different

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Eddig olvastam
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Serving interest or serving creation are quite different

2020. július 05. - 20:22

I have noticed several times if I post pictures and articles about politicians (usually I take over articles from international news and those are not my own publications), some commenters depending on their tempers defend and some others attack the person.

This happens in case of the Saudi ruler, Egyptian president or Iranian leader equally.
However, there is no dispute about God among us! Here you are a great lesson for all of us! It looks that earthly issues plant a sort of orientation inside us.
The Saudi ruling family and other politicians who are specialized in sins leave me completely unconcerned. I use my wording this way because politics cannot be divided from sin. In politics interest-based decisions are made and conscience has nothing to do at all. If it was not so, secularization would have not been necessary and state would not have been divided from faith. I write deliberately faith and not church or religious institutes because those are not divided from state! State needs them because they are traitors of faith and serve the state. The only issues what are separated: faith and conscience. If the control of conscience doesn’t work, sin remains the only factor what works. So, it does not matter the person is good face or bad face, the politics is about crime what is committed on professional level. Politicians have a variety of phrase what they can apply in order to sell their acts. They may say that their deeds are serving their nation, or representing interest of Christian or Islamic values, for making unity in Europe or making America great again. These are all simple words. Most of the cases there is a sinful intent behind these words what is followed by a sinful act.
Anybody who stands on the firm basement of faith cannot see nations, colors of skins, affiliations, genders, identities. He can see only souls. Anybody who is able to serve souls without keeping in mind national borders, regardless the profit or loss of that service, serves faith and this faith has no name.

And among His Signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the variations in your languages and your colours: verily in that are Signs for those who know. (Quran 30:22)

The variations in languages and colors may be viewed from the geographical aspect or from the aspect of periods of time. All mankind was created of a single pair of parents; yet they have spread to different countries and climates and developed different languages and different shades of complexions. And yet their basic unity remains unaltered. They feel in the same way, and are all equally under Allah's care.
