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Supplication of Moses

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Supplication of Moses

2020. július 04. - 19:33

The story of Moses is known to many, I will not talk about it here. For me, the attractive thing in his stories is that he is very human.

From the text one can feel his doubt, which is human, his fear which is human, his concern which is human and his anger which is human. He must have been a passionate person. Yet he was the only one to whom the Lord spoke directly!

Maybe Allah also loves if someone behaves as a human after having been created as a human. It's not strange for me! I would feel also like Him if I had already created someone as a human.

When Moses was cast out, the fear prevailed in his heart. He killed a man and his conscience grieved him while he also became persecuted. Nevertheless, the Lord entrusted him with a mission. He had to go to the Pharaoh with the message of the Lord, the call him to monotheism. The Lord of the Worlds sent Moses to the man who imagined himself to be a God, the lord of the earthly world. True, in his mind the world consisted of the lower and upper flow of the Nile. Moses already went through the spiritual preparation. He could comprehend the difference between the Lord of the Worlds and the lord of the earthly world. But he was still scared, since he was just a mote of dust, a nobody, between the two. He knew that the lord of the earthly world could kill him, could do whatever he wants. True, he also knew that the Lord of the Worlds was more powerful than him, He could even destroy his materials, but he dared to ask back, he dared to worry and he dared to ask for support!

Why? For the Lord of the Worlds is the Most Gracious, the Most Forgiving! With the Pharaoh he would not have dared to enter that question-and-answer package if he was alone! At this point Moses offered a prayer, which is registered in four ayas of the Quran:

(Moses) said: "O my Lord! expand me my breast; (Quran 20:25)

"Ease my task for me; (Quran 20:26)

"And remove the impediment from my speech, (Quran 20:27)

"So they may understand what I say: (Quran 20:28)

Imagine a man emerging from the desert after several years, in today’s terms: a wanted person due to his criminal background who is stuttering, cannot speak properly, yet the Lord entrusts him with a mission. He has to go to a luxurious palace where he has to tell in the eyes of a tyrant that he is a shitty person. That's understandable, isn't it? This story does not give off the drama in a sacred performance. And that's it!

I admit, I always say this prayer to myself before I give a lecture or I start to negotiate somewhere. It really puts my inner world in order. These few lines include his (Moses) disadvantaged situation, his request and his demand that the other party comprehend what he is saying!

I figured out that Moses would have a harder time today. In his days there was a Pharaoh who could be reached. Sure, some could enter to him but the exit was not guaranteed. A dialogue could have been established between the one in upside and the other down. Already with the discovery of the radio, which was not the case of today, this condition ceased. I remember as a child we were sitting around the radio before the television era, listening to theatrical performances, cabaret and news.

The point I want to make clear is that the radio spoke, but nobody could talk back to it. An era began when the sound came down from above but nobody could reply from below to upside. Until then, substantive discourses could be pursued, it had a motivation, after which that interactions gradually ceased to exist. Today there is a world where the voice of the lords of the earthly world comes down, reaches the mortal, but the mortal is already so stupid as he lost the sense to have any need for discussion, asking questions and he is accustomed to this state. The one-way communication has become common.

So, today I don’t know what Moses would do, where to go, who would listen to him. In the one-sided communication conveying messages has become impersonal, nor can one know where an intention comes from, who behind the thoughts is? In the time of Moses, we knew that Pharaoh was the source of trouble, and he gave his face to that. Today, no one gives the face to anything, just mixes shit facelessly. I’m small enough to think about the future, but it’s time for Someone to change this situation and affect the minds of the hidden ones. Whatever is the case, the supplication is beautiful and its content more relevant than ever. The supplication is also impersonal. It include the subject (person) who performs it, the request to the Lord and the need to be comprehended! Let's learn it!

Maybe Someone intervene!
