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Shall we eat the recipe or we make food based on it?

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Shall we eat the recipe or we make food based on it?

2020. január 15. - 15:14

If you go to a party, you get some nice food usually. Maybe you like one of them and you ask for its recipe in order to prepare it at home. This is quite normal.

@Mihálffy Balázs

It would be strange if nothing is offered for you in the party then the host would say: “We have no food but we distribute nice recipes between our guests. Go home and prepare them”. It is not funny at all because this is the way how many propagates Islam! Empty tattles, arguments, Islam so and so. No matter how logic the words are but without convincing life patterns words don’t worth so much. Instead of giving tasty strawberry cake we offer spoiled sup with meat of carrion while we argue it is the most palatable food, even God prescribed it as a blessing from Him. However, God don’t want to see and feel the smell of the thing what we give, I suppose.

If I read a Muslim website, I find boring Quranic recitations, prayers, pilgrimages, so everything what shows the surface. Who will be touched? Excuse me for saying, but even parrots can be trained for Quranic recitation and they would comprehend it on the same level as those who read it brainless. And what do I have to do with people’s prayer? Why does this image mean a lot for me? This is a private issue! My worship is my private sphere and nobody should take pictures of it! Sure, it is amazing how Muslims establish congregational prayer disciplined and in harmony. However, it is a sort of Hollywood for me. In other words, it is Da’wa (propagation) based on emotional effects. I don’t think that any of the Prophets would have done like that. Or is this the pattern? Is this the tasty strawberry cake? Worship represents essential element of Islam but what does it worth without appropriate life conduct?

Ye have indeed in the Messenger of Allah a beautiful pattern (of conduct) for any one whose hope is in Allah and the Final Day, and who engages much in the Praise of Allah. (Quran 33:21)

Allah (SWT) obliged the Prophet (PBUH) to be a pattern. He didn’t send him in order to spread gossips or overwhelm people by empty words! In the heroic age of Islam, faith was propagated by acts. Transactions of Muslim traders, innovations of scientists, book-based literacy on public level, society pattern with order, security, transparency were the reasons behind the popularity of Islam. Not the moonshine and printing Qurans in millions of copies were in the focus while printing houses have never edited other books!
You should notice: any place where Islam spread verbally it has remained on the level of words. However, in locations where people didn’t understand Arabic, Islam has produced different qualities and structures. Malaysia and Indonesia are good examples.

Because of the above reasoning I download Muslim websites anxiously where top 10 sheikhs try to convince readers on the Truth of Islam. The big number of new converters makes me afraid. Yes, I am afraid as a Muslim! Because not the pattern but the strength of word effects! I can’t see what we, Muslims do in order to prevent pollution, how we act against climatic changes, what do we invest for mankind as a whole and what sort of pattern we provide out of fashionable Hijab or nice beard style. If the superficial issues and words become permanent elements of Islam in the mind of the new converters or reverters, there will be a lot of work to do for Allah in order to turn people back to Faith of Abraham, the Staight One:

Who can be better in religion than one who submits his whole self to Allah, does good, and follows the way of Abraham the true in Faith? For Allah did take Abraham for a friend. (Quran 4:125)

Abraham is distinguished in Muslim theology with the title of "Friend of Allah". This does not of course mean that he was anything more than a mortal. But his faith was pure and true, and his conduct was firm and righteous in all circumstances. He was the fountainhead of the present monotheistic tradition, the Patriarch of the prophetic line, and is revered alike by Jews, Christians and Muslims.

Abraham was not a Jew nor yet a Christian; but he was true in Faith, and bowed his will to Allah's (Which is Islam), and he joined not gods with Allah. (Quran 3:67)

I hope everybody could read the above Quran verses it nicely! We, Muslims follow the Faith of Abraham, not Mohammed (PBUH)! Mohammed was the one who purified faith from deflections, distortions and restored it to the original, straight direction as Abraham followed it. Do new converters know about this fact?