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The miracle is with us: It does not need eyes, ears, but consciousness to make it work

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The miracle is with us: It does not need eyes, ears, but consciousness to make it work

2020. május 09. - 14:17

Back to the world of miracles.

What was the miracle for people in the ancient Egypt? The deception. This is the age of Pharaoh, when his arrogance ruled the world. His arrogance was supported by illusion. Let's recall the example of Moses with the magicians. They did all kinds of tricks, but none of them could bring forth life from the lifeless. The rod of Moses became a living serpent. In front of the eyes of Pharaoh, life came out from something that man cannot bring to life. The main mean that supported the reign of pride failed.
What was the essence in the story of Thamud? His tribe was the one who carved habitations, temples into the rocks. See today's Petra. It's amazing what they did. The arrogance of Thamud dominated the world that was amazed by his buildings, architecture. But Allah (SWT) sent Saleh with a she-camel. What was the point? Look at this she-camel! You can carve structures into the mountains, but can you create a life like Allah? The arrogance of Thamud also failed and he perished.

To the Thamud people (We sent) Salih, one of their own brethren: He said: "O my people! worship Allah. ye have no other god but Him. Now hath come unto you a clear (Sign) from your Lord! This she-camel of Allah is a Sign unto you: So leave her to graze in Allah's earth, and let her come to no harm, or ye shall be seized with a grievous punishment. (Quran 7:73)

The Thamud people were the successors to the culture and civilization of the 'Ad people, for whom see 7:65 above. They were cousins to the 'Ad, apparently a younger branch of the same race. Their story also belongs to Arabian tradition, according to which their eponymous ancestor Thamud was a son of 'Abir (a brother of Aram), the son of Sam, the son of Noah. Their scat was in the north-west corner of Arabia (Arabia Petraea), between Madinah and Syria. It included both rocky country (hijr, 15:80), and the spacious fertile valley (Wadi). When the holy Prophet in the 9th year of the Hijrah led his expedition to Tabuk (about 400 miles north of Madinah) against the Roman forces, on a reported Roman invasion from Syria, he and his men came across the archaeological remains of the Thamud.
The recently excavated rock city of Petra, near Maan, may go back to the Thamud, though its architecture has many features connecting it with Egyptian and Graeco-Roman culture overlaying what is called by European writers Nabataean Culture. Who were the Nabataeans? They were an old Arab tribe which played a considerable part in history after they came into conflict with Antigonus I in 312 B.C. Their capital was Petra, but they extended their territory right up to the Euphrates. In 85 B.C. they were lords of Damascus under their king Haritha (Aretas of Roman history). For some time they were allies of the Roman Empire and held the Red Sea littoral. The Emperor Trajan reduced them and annexed their territory in A.D. 105. The Nabataeans succeeded the Thamud of Arabian tradition. The lbamijd are mentioned by name in an inscription of the Assyrian King Sargon, dated 715 B.C., as a people of Eastern and Central Arabia (Encyclopedia of Islam). See also Appendix VII to Surah 26. With the advance of material civilisation, the Thamud people became godless and arrogant, and were destroyed by an earthquake. Their prophet and warner was Salih, and the crisis in their history is connected with the story of a wonderful she-camel.

"And remember how He made you inheritors after the 'Ad people and gave you habitations in the land: ye build for yourselves palaces and castles in (open) plains, and care out homes in the mountains; so bring to remembrance the benefits (ye have received) from Allah, and refrain from evil and mischief on the earth." (Quran 7:74)

Let's see the miracles of Jesus that he performed with the support of Allah. He lived in an age when Rome's pride was dominating the world. What was Rome proud of? To their gods, their effects on humans, to their strength and sciences. The advent of Jesus and the miracles what he performed with the help of Allah broke the arrogance of Rome! He healed the leper and brought the dead to life. He did not perform magic, but presented the life-giving power of Allah that no god in Rome was capable of. See, that one of the messages of Jesus' mission was to overthrow a power which was based on arrogance and delusion with a simple manner: presenting the mystery of life!
Wherever Allah (SWT) sent a Prophet, were powers based on some kind of earthly pride that made them arrogant.
What was the pride of the Arabs during the Jahiliya (pre-Islamic era)? The language and eloquence. Festivals were organized during annual pilgrimages where they competed with their poems, philosophies, heroic epos, etc. The "Nobel Prize winners" of the era were the poets whose poems were hung to the Kaaba (Mualliqat). The eloquence made them proud and boastful. Then Allah (SWT) revealed the Quran to a man who was not known about his poetry and was even an illiterate. And here's the miracle! Mohammed (peace be upon him), the illiterate prophet, presented to his people a linguistic miracle that no poet has ever been able to do.

And if ye are in doubt as to what We have revealed from time to time to Our servant, then produce a Sura like thereunto; and call your witnesses or helpers (If there are any) besides Allah, if your (doubts) are true. (Quran 2:23)

Here is the real trial! Many people in the time of Prophet (peace be upon him) and even later tried to write Surah like the ones in the Quran but nobody was able to do it. One of them was called Musaylamah (his nickname was: “the liar”) who tried but failed.

  • The Surahs coming from Allah reflect the logic of Allah which is different than thinking of a human brain.
  • Also the language is unique. These Surahs were revealed 1400 years ago and we can read them as they were published yesterday. The language remained the same! No other language in the world can do the same!
  • The style of Quran cannot be compared to other human-made scripture. 1400 years ago people were telling long stories and tales. These Surahs give short essences and are not narrative at all.
  • The content is valid in every time and place. There are evidences in the past, present and even facts what the future will discover.

So if we put together the above arguments human cannot compile Quranic Surah. Not even mythical witnesses or helpers can inspire Eternal Guidance. Only Allah the One!
Therefore in Islam Muslims cannot establish human-administrated central institute like Christians do in Vatican under the name: “Church”. Our Church is the Holy Quran! Muslims cannot nominate a “Pope” as governor in a centralized institutional Islamic leadership who can commit mistakes what lead people astray. Our center is “Knowledge, Science and Continuous Discovery of His Worlds where Quran is our Guidance”. Whoever is going to establish Islamic Organization in order to govern Muslims as Church, turns against the basic doctrines of the Quran.
What is the Caliphate than? The Caliphate is different. It is a form of state where Islam gives the organizing principals. But even Caliphate has to leave the doctrines untouched and cannot manipulate the Surahs.

No prophet came to demand from people to follow them. None of their miracles targeted to make people believe in them. Presenting miracle was not a response for a challenge! All of them served to demonstrate the life-giving power of Allah.
The greatest miracles of all is the Quran. This is not what we are talking about, what is subject in a parable, but it is in our hands! This is the guarantee for the survival and spread of the greatest Ummah in the world, if we are faithful to it.
What puts the Quran over other miracles? Two reasons. One is that the miracle and the message are one and the same. Previously, each prophet brought a book, a message, and they performed miracles to authenticate the message. Miracle was separated from the message. Miracles were performed in different time then the message in order to make the message a certainty. In case of the Quran, the message is miracle itself and the miracle itself is the message. The Quran does not require any subsequent authentication. It authenticates itself. The other is that Quran is not constrained by time and place. Anyone, anywhere, anytime can experience its truth. All other miracles rely on accepting doctrines, witnesses and statements of the wise.
The miracle of Quran broke the arrogance of Quraish (the Prophet's tribe), and undermined their pride. In vain it was compared to the poetry, rhymes, musicality of words of Jahiliya, in vain they were trying to imitate it, they were not able to do it.
In vain our Ummah has become divided, following many directions, the Quran is one and the same!

Let's get to our days. The arrogance still dominates the world today. Factories of lies, demonstrations of strength, deceptions. We don't need any more miracles, because it's in our hands. It writes down the coming and destruction of this haughty age. This is also known by those who rule in this age. If Quran would be the literature of a micro community, had long been banned. Since we are talking about the holy book of one and a half billion people, it cannot be banned. The trend is threatening the owners of the arrogance as the one-and-a-half billion crowd is growing. Because they cannot touch the Quran, they have only one choice: they manipulate us, the Ummah. I have to say that they are doing in many places successfully. The miracle is with us. It does not need eyes, ears, but consciousness to make it work.
