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Extremism as a religion to be persecuted alone

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Extremism as a religion to be persecuted alone

2020. március 11. - 19:06

In the late '90s I was invited to Tirana to give a lecture on my Bosnian experiences. These experiences meant the years of war. This time coincided with the Kosovo crisis.

Entering the room was all sorts of people, including bearded, Middle Eastern-looking Muslims. I answered questions. What did we eat? How to live in the snow in winter? How can one imagine a combat in the mountains? Something like that. Nobody cared how to stay human. I was about the end when a small, bearded guy asked: oh sheikh! Tell a miracle that happened to you during the fights! I saw, I had to find out something, because if there is no miracle, I become incredible. I lied. I said I had a little Quran that I put in my pocket above my heart and it saved me from a killer bullet. Subhanallah! It was sounded time to time from the bearded part of the room. I took a big breath while asking the forgiveness of Allah for the lie. This little man stood up again and asked me to tell another miracle! Well, fuck you, I thought in myself! These people are not fed with reality, but with romance, and this kind of bullshit gives them the experience of catharsis. Far from reality. They don't think how they've got so far; they don't even analyze it. They came from an environment where these tales, promises as crossing the threshold of heaven, are causing delight and relief.

We should only persecute one religion: the extremism. And that pops up everywhere. Obviously, it pops up because it has support. Normally, all of us would sit side by side peacefully following our traditions in Christmas, Easter, Hanukkah, Ramadan, Buddha Purnima, Kunbh Melai. Which one of us with normal brain would be embarrassed if one wears a hijab the next one has sideburns and the other is vegetarian? I said "normal brain", but I'm correcting that, because there are less and less normal brains.

The exterior features listed, make us distinctive, manifest our belongings, and the fight can begin. A fight that we don't want. There is a lot of tension between 7 billion people. Personal grievances, historical quarrels, local conflicts, poverty, famine, emigration, and all this cannot take place without frictions. This friction can be externally simply manipulated, amplified, and the game can start. There is a communication that reminds us of our historical disagreements, the incompatibilities of our habits and we become means to achieve political goals.

When war starts, we expect politics to bring about peace and dialogue between us. Quite a reckless proposal. Why do you expect action from our leaders, our politicians, when they create the situation? They create Al Qaeda, ISIS, militant Hindus, Jewish settlers and New Christian theories where Satan is not a concept but a group of people to be hated who live with us. Asking a politician for peace is like praying for a storm to calm the sea. The nature of the storm is the strong airflow. If it doesn't rage there would be no storm. A politician wouldn't be a politician if he didn't mix shit! And we stand behind them! Teachings on beyond-earthly interests come to support the earthly interests!

Wherever extremism pops up, this is always the case. In very rare cases it would catch fire by its own. These flames are ignited and kept alive by external gasoline bottles. As I mentioned, there is a lot of tension and there is a clear channeling and control of tensions. If I can't speak on behalf of my Muslims because we are divided, how can I talk on behalf of people, usually? It is impossible. I can only speak on behalf of myself, just like everyone. For me, peace exists when there is peace within me. I can't create this status anywhere else. I don't even want to. Nor did your teacher learn to read and write instead of you. Everyone has to create that status in him/herself.

O People of the Book! Commit no excesses in your religion… (Quran 4:171)

If you try to create the state of peacefulness within yourself, you will see how difficult it is. I know you won't do it anyway, because it's more convenient to go after your own head. Searching for reconciliation does not coincide with what we consider to be the easiest way. Hatred is easy, peace is harder. If you were to walk along on this path within yourself, you could see that war is easy to start, but harder to stop. If you are in it, even if you want put an end, you become captive by the inertia of things.

And where did it all begin? It started with an extreme thought within yourself that made you join to an extreme group out of yourself, what is fed by profit-seeking people out of the extreme group. From here, the control is not in your hand. If events get to this point, you are in vain creating peace within yourself, at most you can become a peaceful dead while serving the interests of others with your death.

Extreme directions are everywhere. In all religions, in all -ism, but mainly in yourself. It's manageable until you can overpower it within yourself.
If the little bearded man would ask me to tell a miracle today, I wouldn't lie about the Quran or anything else. I would say the miracle is the peace that can settle in our hearts if we open the door to it.