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Prayer in a subjective approach

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Eddig olvastam
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Prayer in a subjective approach

2020. október 08. - 19:06

I do not write about the five daily prayers, their timing and way, as there is a lot of literature about that. I’d rather write a few lines, what this all make a sense of? Bending, prostrations, muttering, etc

With the eyes of an outsider, it makes one smile and it's incomprehensible to many. Prayer means
something different to everyone. There are those who fulfill a religious obligation, there are those
who send a message of sorrow, or a wish to the Lord, there are those who calm down, are charging
themselves, so we all experience it differently.

I can only write what it means to me.

I had an adventurous part in my life, it involved a lot of things, I don’t deny it and I won’t even detail it. Even though I studied Islam, I didn’t always live a life that pleased God, maybe not even today. This will be decided by Him. I sought the pleasures for many years in superficial things. In vain did I quote the Quran, in vain did I turn towards Mecca, and in vain did I perform the ritual Salat, I lacked the depth. And something else was missing, too. Although I always had a partner with me, and when things went well, I was surrounded by a thousand friends, but I felt lonely inside. I never left one: the Quran. Maybe that was the only companion that stood by me. I tasted it every day, took it apart, interpreted it, read beside it other literatures.

Allah sent me through the hells because there were more than one. Wars, mines, adventures, prisons. I am not talking about days, but about long years, decades. I know that I alone am responsible for all the adventures I have gone into. I never understood why was me who survived while others were much better, more trained and stronger than me. Perhaps, that I can pass over everything to you that I know and got at such a price.

When I was in the most hopeless situations — and I’m not going to start an emotional playwright in the description — there always came a voice, a sign, a reassuring feeling. Something, but rather Someone called me out of the troubles. Until then, only my upbringing, books, and my conviction turned me to God, but now an experience has led to Him. It was not falling into a trance, not reaching a sort of state, not self-hypnosis, not reverence, but something else. The contentment of my soul. My soul has become content in Someone and found satisfaction. Then prayer meant that to me.

That experience led me to a completely different journey in the faith. The world expanded, I got into not one, but a lot of spaces. Things that were important to me until then and I was running after them day by day, have gone. I was able to look through anyone who lives only within their own borders. I could laugh at the narrow-minded people who pressed themselves inside cages.

I am looking for the experience what satisfied my soul, it charges me up and gives meaning and direction to my life.

I have been living alone for eight years. Yes, a partner would be good. It would be nice if someone touches my hand, drinks the morning coffee with me, and not ream my ass out if I couldn’t get rid of my old whims. Yes, it would be good to have a companion, but why when I have One! Not just anyone! And He never reams my ass out! He gives an experience that an earthly mortal cannot give. In one of my articles titled “Seeking for lastingness in the earthly life” I quoted a Hadith: when a man dies, his deeds come to an end except for three things: Sadaqah Jariyah (ceaseless charity); a knowledge which is beneficial, or a virtuous descendant who offers supplication for him. In addition, several Quranic quotes and hadiths are about prayer. All of those confirm that there have been generations on earth who have sought the company of God in order to go through experiences similar to mine. So far, I’ve talked about opening spaces, but the times have also opened up.

Existence in the past, in the future and after the death of the body. It's all within one experience! Reaching a depth that one does several times a day, extinguishes the superficiality and as a result the eye and heart begin to see something else.

Wealth. If you have and you die, it will be inherited by your wife if you have no children. Your wife will remarry and the wealth you have accumulated with care will enrich another man. Children. If they are virtuous, they will offer for you supplication after you die. But today? They don’t understand why you’ve been striving your whole life since you've reached nowhere! If you leave behind a property, share of a business, it is most often sold or spent away. Your business partner will also take out what he can before or shortly after your death. Careers, bosses, friends, everything you’ve lived for will not help your soul. Then what made a sense? After all, once you’ve been taken to the cemetery, it’s only a matter of days and no one is talking about you anymore. You were a soap bubble that burst. And what remains in the place of the soap bubble if it bursts? Empty air. That's we are.

Time is moving forward and the call is also stronger for the meeting. Today, this meeting happens five times a day, but the time will come when it will perhaps be a more lasting togetherness.

When you’re young and in love, you make a thousand promises to your love that you’ll never leave her/him. Then you get on the train. At the station, you still vow to write to each other every day.

Time will come when you will write not daily, but weekly, and later occasionally, and then there will be no more correspondence. The connection has been lost.

My soul has found contentedness and I know in Whom? I do not want to lose Him and the charge He ensures. I don’t want a daily then a weekly relationship, which is only a matter of time and lags. Then where will my soul rest?

For me, this is what prayer means, but maybe it’s different for you. I ask God to accept from us our prayers what serves Him, but in doing so we get prosperity.
