h i r d e t é s

Obey, but to whom? That is the question

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Eddig olvastam
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Obey, but to whom? That is the question

2020. szeptember 15. - 19:27

No-one should imagine him/herself in my place and declare on my behalf what I don’t think. No-one should make a reference to the fact that, according to Muslims, according to the will of Hungarian nation, following the values of European people, and so on.

Then they repeat the thoughts attributed to us until the leadable crowd start to believe that they think so and become controllable. In vain the mass of Muslims follows the opinion-dictators of the Stone Age, my image on Islam is different. In vain our leader knocks his chest and appears on the international platform as a guileful Hungarian, my concept to be Hungarian is different. In vain there are references on European values, those are set up in my mind differently.
I am not alone, I know, and there is always a problem with those who can't “fit to the trend”. We are not sufficiently affected by the weapon used by those in power: the communication.

I don’t know how others run their attitude, everyone has their own system, mine is the next. I break down my worldview into rights. There is a legal relationship between me and others, and a legal relationship between me and God. In case of a dispute, the latter is stronger. But for this, one obviously need to be well acquainted with both laws and regulations. The relationship between spiritual leaders and me also falls into the human-human category. In my inner judgment, this is also overridden by the direct relationship with God.
If we analyze it better, the majority is like that, too. Only in their case God is replaced by something else. There is always something invisible, elusive in the background. This is the myth, the mystery, produced by every power, authority, organization. For example, the strictness of the law that reaches you and afflicts. You don’t see that; you are linked only to the people who represent it. The presumption, that those in power are for me. The presumption about the willingness of rich regarding their sense to donate is similar. You don’t see that either, just assume and finally disappoint. These are all represented by people with a gap between you and them. The size of the gap may vary, but its existence cannot. The human law, power and material prosperity are isolating factors. And isolation results an increasing distance. When distance is insurmountable, two things can happen. Rebellion or easement of the rules. And if the state of zombies comes true, there will be further restrictions.

I'm lucky. I do not see either the One Whose law I follow, but there is no gap between me and Him!
His rules don't change either. He doesn’t load my brain in every second with commercials, doesn’t send checks, doesn’t give instructions, doesn’t treat me like a minor, doesn’t threaten me, doesn’t literally describe what is my duty as if I were a lunatic, but He gives Signs. He treats me as an adult and knows that I understand the Signs because He trusts me. So, do I trust Him! He doesn’t seek to obscure my sight in order to prevent me to see where am I fucked up, but He opens my eyes. His intention is to explore my world and be able to fit into it. He doesn’t send bailiffs, administrators, out-runners to my neck, but He is present in person at all times and responds when I call Him. When my body returns to the earth, my soul will be with Him. Where will be then the man who only fucked me up and warned me of my duties as long as I was there on the earth?
Well, that’s why I don’t stand up when the court opens its session and don’t have any cathartic feeling when I hear a slogan from someone who is going to save my life again. This is not disobedience or disrespect. This is something else. It is a reverence for the One Who is Eternal. I would appreciate human formations better if power, law, and money were not the embodiment of a tyrannical will, wouldn't be a judgment factory, and a mean for impoverishing, distressing. If the gap were narrower, perhaps one could hear the complaint of those on the other side. There is also a parable for this:

The Ruler of the Universe was displeased by unrest in a very far corner of his empire. Word arrived that in one of the cities of this region, the peasants had revolted and murdered their oppressive landlord.
The ruler called his greatest generals to quell the violence at once.
“Take all the infantrymen you need. Take ladders with which to climb the city walls. Take cannons to reduce the place to dust. Take elephants and camels to strike fear into the heart of every man, woman and child.”
“You have forgotten the one weapon which would settle the dispute before the most powerful element of your forces can,” whispered on of the sages in the royal ear.
“What is that?” The Ruler asked in anticipation.
“One sensible man who can listen to the complaints of the locals and then take his place as landlord.”

And those who, when an oppressive wrong is inflicted on them, (are not cowed but) help and defend themselves. (Quran 42:39)

There are four possible situations that may arise: an individual may have to stand up against an oppressor 1. for his own trampled rights, or 2. for the rights of others within his ken; or 3. a community may have similarly to stand up for its own rights collectively: or 4. for the rights of others.

The recompense for an injury is an injury equal thereto (in degree): but if a person forgives and makes reconciliation, his reward is due from Allah. for ((Allah)) loveth not those who do wrong. (Quran 42:40)

When you stand up for rights, either on private or public grounds, it may be through processes of law, or by way of private defense in so far as the law permits private action. But in all cases, you must not seek a compensation greater than the injury suffered. The most you can do is to demand equal redress, i.e., a harm equivalent to the harm done to you. Even this may serve to curb your unregenerate soul, or a community bent on revenge. But the ideal mode is not to slake your thirst for vengeance, but to follow better ways leading to the reform of the offender or his reconciliation. See 41:34, and 23:96.

But indeed, if any do help and defend themselves after a wrong (done) to them, against such there is no cause of blame. (Quran 42:41)

The blame is only against those who oppress men and wrong-doing and insolently transgress beyond bounds through the land, defying right and justice: for such there will be a penalty grievous. (Quran 42:42)
