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Enjoyment of music and arts in islam

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Enjoyment of music and arts in islam

2020. április 21. - 13:50

Some scholar categorically prohibits music, dance, figurative art in Islam. There is no such ban in the Quran.

Illustration @khalidzaheer.com

There are principles and not rules of procedure. Quran is the word of God what was "simplified" by Mohammed (peace upon him) to the level of comprehension of people of Mecca and Medina, and this is the Sunnah, the tradition. I know now half the world gets angry about the term "simplified." I emphasize: not Mohamed (peace be upon him) was "simple". Mohammed understood the word of God, in fact he understood it best, for he was a prophet. But the brains of people of Mecca and Medina worked only on the level of that age and place. The revelations of Quran had to be transferred to that level in order to be a daily practice. So, he had to adapt the words of God and make it understandable, followable, practicable in that environment. (This concept I will be repeat many times in the future). As a result, wherever the word of Quran reaches, it must always be "simplified" the similar way as Mohamed (peace upon him) did and his Sunnah is the method to be followed. So, method and not object. That is how it should be done today, too. It is important to know Sunnah, it is important to adopt its applications, but the principles of the Quran have to be followed. Example: For the desert-dweller nomadic Arabs, a simple stone could live in their imagination and it had a soul and they attributed abilities to it. For a man who lives today this sounds ridiculous. They followed these stones as idols, but for no one today would come in his mind to bow down and pray to the statue of Michelangelo’s David. The role of music was also different. That plimplim dinun-din, which at that time was called music, represented the top of the pleasures with sexual desires, orgies. I'm not saying there is no such musical approach today, but the logic doesn't require a categorica

"Such as took their religion to be mere amusement and play, and were deceived by the life of the world." That day shall We forget them as they forgot the meeting of this day of theirs, and as they were wont to reject Our signs. (Quran 7:51)

It clearly says that don't humiliate religion and don't use popular means of your age for humiliation. But if music, at the same time serves the purpose of conveying deep thoughts that you are going to speak out, why should it be forbidden? There is no such ban in the Quran. I emphasize: in the Quran and nothing else that came after its revelations and has human origin. In this way, music and art in the right hands just are ways of propagation:

And those who strive in Our (cause),- We will certainly guide them to our Paths: For verily Allah is with those who do right. Quran 29:69)

"Strive in Our Cause." All that man can do is to strive in Allah's Cause. As soon as he strives with might and main, with constancy and determination, the Light and Mercy of Allah come to meet him.

So, the honesty of intent is what legitimizes a path to Him.
Here you are two examples:

But I can mention Yusuf Islam, Melanie Diops and many other artists whose Islam is deeply there in their music. The first link is Sami Yusuf, a popular Pakistani religious singer who attracts masses. The other is two black rapper girls. At first glance, you can shout critical words and haram on them. Who are that two penguins in hijab who put Islam down? If that is the intention of our two sisters, then it is Haram what they do. But who knows? With this approach, they may draw people from a crowd who are rap fans and they will begin to learn and read, so they get closer to the teachings. If I approach this way, the two girls use rap as a Path that Allah sanctifies, for this path leads to Him.

I have published these thoughts solely as my own opinion. God forgive me if I made a mistake.
