It will not be easy to live together, especially if there is a shit-mixing activity going on
Question: Can we live in peace side by side in Europe, Christians, Muslims and others?
My answer:
If we all continue the present trend, there will be no peace. The process points in the direction of confrontation for all of us. It has nothing to do with religion, cultural values. The world has been criminalized. What we call values on any side is nothing more than slogans where criminals hide behind. They are not interested in reconciliation, as interests could not be wrapped in it, but in frictions, conflicts, incitement to hatred. Guilty is the policy that makes uncontrolled migration a program and guilty is the one who arrives here and does not comply with the law. Neither the recipient nor those wishing to integrate follow even their own laws. Of course, I am talking about trends and not some cases where exceptions are present.
In recent years, I have dedicated myself to publishing the values of Islam. If I lived for a thousand years and had a much greater capacity, I would not be able to draw a complete picture of this miracle that Allah has given to mankind through His Prophet (peace be upon him).
With that, I had several goals. On the one hand, I wanted to put a mirror in front of Muslims for how much they don’t know their own religion. For them, the fulfillment of religious duties consists of a few prayers, saying Insha Allah a lot, and placing themselves above the followers of other cultures.
My other goal was to send a signal to non-Muslim societies about the miscommunication of Islam done by all sorts of purulent places and to avoid making conclusions of what it is seen by some perverted Muslims. Of course, there are good examples, too. However, the strength of the negative examples has a multiplier effect compared to the positive ones. Let’s leave the hell the pointless Sunni, Shiite and other debates, and avoid pondering on the rise of Islam over Christianity in Europe.
No one wants to rise and dominate.
More importantly, that the world has been criminalized. At the same time, our values are being criminalized. Of course, I am not talking about our theological values, but the way how we represent them. We have no right to talk about love, about supporting the fallen, about anything, if in practice will all be different.
Europe claims to be a cultural cradle, which is true. But it teaches its cultural cradle character only inward the European societies with tolerance. In recent centuries, this cradle has left terrible traces in the world. This is evidenced by Africa, Asia and the Middle East, but the Mayans, Incas and Aztecs could also tell their stories. Europe is the homeland of murderous peoples, but it shows itself to be a loving, tearful, innocent, pure-minded population. By plundering the world, they created “democracies”, then made laws in order to prevent similar crimes to happen again. However, the tendency has persisted and the desire to acquire lives on. They are not fighting open battles today. In their eyes, Nigger (I write that way purposely), Arab, Jewish, and others whose skin color, locks of hair do not resemble an idealized image of Jesus, are not equal with them. The killer attitude can only be perceived from outside of Europe, not at home. There is no continent where the “white man” is not viewed with dread. Crusades, colonization, mass liquidations, violence, unpredictability. The term “white man” does not differentiate. Today, this includes every European, American, Australian. It doesn't matter if we Hungarians were colonizers or not, our skin color, our Christianity classifies us in the group where the biggest criminals in the world are.
It is seldom the case when we mention the American army how they liquidate people, wedding, funeral processions, just to kill a man they are looking for. What are they doing with the inmates, in whose country they are? The “white men” occupied and maintained their rule in foreign lands with criminalized techniques since the Middle Ages. Well, the norm that Muslims follow in these places is not dictated only by them. This was copied.
For me, the classical period of Islam ended in 1492. I have indicated it in several of my articles. It was then that the Inquisition broke the presence of classical Islam in Europe. From then on, Muslim thinking gradually transformed its teachings into an ideology of struggle against colonization, an idea of resistance movements. Techniques copied from “white people” were deployed as war tactics.
Listen! I’m talking about Muslim thinking, not Islam! Because of their own survival, Muslims had to follow the strategy, brutality, and inhumanity of the attacking party. I don’t want to defend them!
Then it became a practice that murderous Muslim ideologies and organizations were created due to the order of the “whites”. e.g., Al Qaeda, Islamic State and more. But anyone who breeds a pit bull, as we know, it may bite also into the owner. Don’t be surprised if they come to Europe with these distorted norms in their heads, as these norms were copied from the highly qualified white man!
Wild brains take over the leading places and positions of the underworld. With unprecedented brutality, they are making a place for themselves in the drug and arms trade, taking control on prostitution and black money markets. Yeah, sometimes they really shout an Allah Akbar! If they were to shout that God it, would they be Christians? They have nothing to do with Allah or anything else. They have linked to the sin.
Based on the example of Germany alone, 27 million of the 80 million population have foreign backgrounds. So, they are not Germans on either the paternal or maternal branch. By 2015, there were 7 million foreigners, mostly Turkish citizens. In 2015, 1.3 million immigrants from war countries joined to them. This was not yet reflected in crime statistics at the time. But in 2019, yes. Due to their more cruel means and attitudes, they practically took control of the local underworld. From that aspect this is not a religious issue anymore. It can be disputed as religious case only if these people, together with a radicalized mosque, recruit soldiers for the Islamic State, or provide ‘work’ for those coming to Europe from there. In an oriental family model, the family consists of 40-50 people where several generations live together. In vain conduct 48 people from the family an exemplary life, if their members are unskilled, they do not get a job and the 2 people of them who earn their income from drugs and prostitutes keep the whole “pious” family alive. Parents may say fie! But they are forced to live off the 2 sinners.
In France, these proportions are pushing the balance even more towards the immigrants.
The European "soft dick" attitude does not help. Not least because the European attitude has swept that issue under the rug during the last 40 years.
My work, among many other aspects, aimed to give a picture of Islam’s judgment on intentions and actions in the increasingly chaotic, criminalizing processes and not to link the committed crimes with Islam for the outside world.
Not only Europe is a "soft dick". We too, Muslims! I didn't say: my Muslim brothers because they are not my brothers. At least not those who were attracted and integrated by the desire for easy money, underworld, and dominance. They are not tied to my Islamic views.
So, please ask the question in the debate differently than I started in this article. Don’t ask about the ability or wish of Christians, Muslims and others to live together in Europe peacefully. Ask that: "To what extent the European multi’s capital rooted in crimes, interested in economic lootings, generates the underworldly integration of newcomers who arrive here and are incorrectly called migrants? To what extent this underworld plays role in their foreign and internal policy and other plans?" So far, only one thing is certain: whoever lives a simple Christian or Islamic life is all sucking. So, the question cannot be answered by a theologian, but by the secret services, politicians and underworld figures. Statements referring to Soros, migration, the blood-refreshment of the genetically tired peoples of Europe, Islam versus Christianity, etc., can be sold well to a crowd who are separated from their brain, but those are not true. The answer must be sought in the well-calculated or poorly calculated operation of capital.