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Mental disorders

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Eddig olvastam
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Mental disorders

2020. november 02. - 17:17

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) is the American Psychiatric Association's standard reference for psychiatry which includes over 450 different definitions of mental disorders.

Mental disorders include: depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and other psychoses, dementia, and developmental disorders including autism.
The list is awfully long, full of stresses, tensions, anxieties, personality disorders...
If we start to read it there are at least 2-3 that fits to us. My malicious remark is: that way it is invented, as professionals also have to make a living from something.
My other comment, however, is serious. If I have a soul, a mind, a consciousness, then what do I want? Whether do I want them all to work for me, function for my interest or they should turn against me? I think the motive of these disorders are based on the mismanagement of my soul, mind and awareness and they have turned against me. I’m not a psychologist, but as a sheikh, I see it that way. If my mind, soul and consciousness are my enemy, then who am I? Am I pushed out of myself?
If that’s the case, then I’m a very bad owner of myself. After all, I became a stranger to myself, to the world and to everything. How can this be?

I'm not surprised. Ever since we were born, we have been surrounded by nothing but alienation from ourselves. I’m talking about the soul and not the ego, that’s different. The ego and the soul in Islam are two separate categories. I am speaking about the soul that Allah breathed into us along with life and His own attributes (the 99 names of Allah). Killing these attributes results the 450 mental disorder. That's what it all means to me.
If me or someone else reprograms these codes born with me, I will gradually lose a part of my soul. If I depend on something, I follow strictly what is in fashion and wear it, drift with the medium I live in, dare not to be who I am according to my original code, then I became a slave! Yes, I am a servant of something what I am not coded for. But there are rougher things!
Work hard, I hear. Your father and mother have been earning their bread with their sweat! Why? What is the point of the hard work? Why is this slogan there? Even this suggests a slave spirit. Why can't we work with blissfulness, pleasure? Would not be there better result and efficiency? Why do we always go in a direction that is laborious and only unpleasant memories are attached to it? Why should we be proud of our achievements brought together with sweat and blood? Why isn’t it normal to say: I created something and my soul is content in it!
So, I understand those 450 mental illnesses, because we pay taxes and checks, we live in constant fear, we can lose our jobs, we can be evicted from the apartment, we never do what we like even if we have the skills and we have to prostrate ourselves in front of others. I just don’t understand that these many problems how can be handled by a psychologist?
The only thing he can give for that all is a powerful sedative to help you sleep through your life. There is no God in his arsenal! The one who has a faith is much harder to be trapped. I’m not saying never, just harder. It doesn't matter what kind of faith it is. If one believes in reincarnation, then: wow, I shitted this life up, but don't worry! I have three more lives! For an animist, all things and phenomenon have a spirit and he consider himself a victim of harmful spirits. He sacrifices a white hen, dances something and his soul recovers. We who profess any branch of Monotheism have awareness of Afterlife and with our inner certainty in God overcome the adversity. But the poor who do not have a spiritual world and want to see, perceive and solve everything in a rational existence are coming off very badly. Simply, because what they consider rational is not that. It is a completely illogical human fiction that has not been corrected in the last couple of thousand years and is even getting worse.

We are not alone; we live in communities and we can be sure that many of the 450 mental disorders can be shared among our acquaintances. Talking to each other only about our troubles, intensifies what we put on our souls as a burden, eventually we don't do for the favor of healing but are responsible for our own illness. A situation develops that no one is even looking for the company of a non-complaining person, who has no trouble, who has only one symptom: he is praying. Well sometimes prayer comes to question as a symptom. So, one issue remains: who is normal?

For my part, I am not looking for the company of complainants and strengtheners of problems. I believe that my soul, mind, consciousness must serve me and help others to create this state within themselves. I cannot imagine that any outside force other than Allah could help. To the one who seeks Him, all I can say that Allah cannot solve anyone’s housing problem, but He gives you the awareness that you have a home. He can’t give a job, He can't give money, but He gives you the feeling that you have a provision behind you and with this reassurance you have a better chance to make arrangements regarding your destiny. Allah does not give back your dead, but He gives you the feeling of meeting them. He gives a lot of things that humans on earth cannot give.

"Those who believe, and whose hearts find satisfaction in the remembrance of Allah. for without doubt in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find satisfaction. (Quran 13:28)

The Sign or Miracle is not something external: it is something internal, something in your mind, heart, and soul. It depends on your inner spiritual experience. If you turn to Allah, that light, that experience, will come. If you do not, Allah will not force you.
