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Anyone who stands among you Allah is superflous

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Anyone who stands among you Allah is superflous

2021. február 04. - 19:17

Don’t follow me! I have asked you many times, that you not even think about to follow me!

What I am describing is my journey according to my thoughts! But don't follow anybody else either! Do not follow the priest, the sheikh, the leaders of the country, no one! They are all a dead-end themselves. Islam is not about following humans. Why do you follow the one who can take away a life but cannot give it? Why do you follow the one whose first thought is destruction, not creation and how to make the world more beautiful? Wouldn’t scientific breakthroughs occur as top-secret in military technology for the first time, which march into peaceful territories only decades later, when they were already obsolete in the field of warfare? Why do you follow the one who just wants to take you to his bed and if he has made you his woman, he enslaves you referring to the regulations of Islam what he quotes in a false way? Why do you follow the one who only needs your money, financial background, sucks your blood referring to religious duties, finally curses you?

We do not pray to Mammon, man, tombs, the black stone of Mecca! We pray to Allah alone and only His law can guide our thoughts, intentions, actions, nothing else. We pray to the Sustainer of life, the Creator, without any human mediator. Anyone who stands among Allah and you, is superfluous. Islam is about establishing a relationship with your Creator the way that works the best for you, like the tailor prepares the dress that is meant for you. In order to do that we've got cornerstones and Guidance. What I can give you is a sort of knowledge that will support you in your routing. What others give is also a sort of knowledge, no more than that. This is where our relationship stops. I cannot be subordinate or supreme, just as you cannot be. I can’t say that only my way is Islam, therefore follow me, and no one else can say that. Islam is the divine care what develops in you and then crystallizes based on the knowledge you have absorbed into yourself. Therefore, do not try to follow blindly the words of one human, but listen to as many opinions as possible, read more and shape your worldview by your own. No matter how your opinion about the world changes from time to time, the stable frame-structure that you lock into your heart will keep you from going astray from the way. This frame-structure is the Islam and the journey between the stable elements of the frame are you with your free opinion. This was the way how it worked in the time of the Prophet (peace be upon him), too.

As Muslims, we need to get used to go through more trials than non-Muslims. This is perfectly normal and should be the case. Why? Because as citizens of countries, we may be law-abiding civils, but if those laws or regulations conflict with the prescriptions of Islam, the latter will override everything for us. We also have to respect the majority in decision-making, we must be tolerant, patient, but we cannot bow our heads in front of the grievances associated with faith and its practice (listen! I did not say our faith!). Listen again! I was talking about grievances, which you call human rights. I was not aiming to legitimize blind barbaric deeds, but on the contrary! Earthly life is pretty much about how one person puts his own burden on another’s shoulder, how another person carries the burden of an individual? How can one rule the other? What ideologies do they come up with, that we need to fit into?

Namely, that no bearer of burdens can bear the burden of another; (Quran 53:38)

Since we cannot be opportunists and be subjected to others, we cannot expect to be respected, loved. In today’s world the love comes to someone who can be used. Those who cannot be used should be broken, humiliated, or spread false ideologies on their behalf in order to alienate them even from themselves. There are thousands of Muslims who are partners for that goal.

You're abandoned and remained on your own. The outside world whispers around, wherever you look they want to devour you. They need your vote, your consumption, your tax payment while you also need to be blind, deaf, or rather to see and hear in a controlled way. You are surrounded by an army of clowns who are chattering to your brain. There is medicine. Allah has sown in you the seed that you should take care of and it will germinate and grow. If this core clings to the Guidance and to the seeking of knowledge that breaks down your limitations, you will be victorious. You will gain the armor of faith that protects you in this world as well as in the afterlife. Gather the knowledge in yourself.
