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This is not an asslicking blog

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Eddig olvastam
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This is not an asslicking blog

2020. szeptember 21. - 18:40

This is not an ass licking blog. Hope it is clear. So, it's not about applying for someone's money, no matter how many rich Muslims are there and it doesn't fulfill any political assignment.

I did not say that this blog is not politicizing, but that it is not queuing for interest or money. The only guideline is Classical Islam, whose teachers are either dead or in prison or are sidelined. In vain I try to do my best; I can be wrong because I am human. I do not know everything, in fact, I am certain about not knowing everything precisely, because 1400 years have passed since the foundations were laid down and much has happened since then.

One thing is sure, I am not engaged in any today preached directions exclusively, however I try to make people to think. It also means that I want to wake people up from their sleeping state and therefore I write articles that can fulfill that task. But the point is not in the style, words, or phrases used to awaken, but in the thought. I'd like to express my thank for those who have recognized this, and consider my critical statements, which are related outward and inward, as constructive and not disobedient.

In a comment, one of my readers didn't understand why do I feel the Middle East so close to me as a Hungarian and why I write plural form in the first person when the subject comes to that. Because Umma means we are one community. This does not deny that I am Hungarian at the same time, as Christians are children of several nations, too. So we are. In our classical sense, the rules of our Ummah allow me to have a share in what others have. I am not talking about communism, but about Islam! Islamic rules protect private property; however, those also prescribe that part of wealth owned by rich contain the livelihoods of the needy. Yes, it is about that Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal, Dr. Mehmet Oz Professor, Rania, Queen of Jordan, the Qatar Mogul Wisam al-Mana and many others are not there for we lick their asses in order they may throw some alms, but we must make them aware of their duty. We do this despite the fact that most of them have turned away from the rules of creation, and contrary to the rules of creation are running the property of Allah which He has deposited with them. If they give a prodigal picture of themselves to the world, how do we expect the world to change their views on Islam?

They employ the fashionable preachers of Islam, the orators who are flowing in every media surface. Their job is not to open the eyes, but to legitimize the actions of their sheikhs and rulers, who grow their wealth in accordance with the rules of the secular world and who are sometimes financing radicalism what is against to Islamic principles. How the hell I don't write about them, knowing that the money what they are wasting, there is a part what belong to me, to you and to him/her, too! I know it's a utopia that someday somebody takes the principles seriously, but at least I explain those anyway or should I not do it?

I also know that most of the money in the world is circulating in a well-controlled system that does not operate according to Islamic rules. That is why there is one whose wealth is allowed and some whose wealth is illegal. The illegal wealth does not follow the financial rules in force today, and legal wealth follows them. So those who are so rich are rich because another system allows it. It's definitely not free for them. Why should lick the ass of traitors? This is not to protect illicit cash flows, because those are largely bound to sins. But why should I not protect the Islamic financial system, where our richest people do not invest? If they do not follow our system, they should confess and say: We believe that Allah is not God and we believe that Mohammed (peace be upon him) is not a prophet of Allah. If they confess, their acts will gain meaning and their behavior can be explained. However, it cannot be explained at this time. I don’t care about their hypocrisy how they build many mosques because it's all a camouflage. The quotations of Quran are not there for empty lectures, but in order to be kept and obeyed. I don't care who prays how many times, who drinks, or what people do in their private lives. I care what people's soul is! Because what can be seen on the surface is very deceptive! It is in vain someone prays 50 rakaats if, between two prayers he has the dirtiest thoughts what he is going to realize.

Sure, I know khamr is Haram, pork is Haram, but lying, looting by financial methods, by forbidden speculation isn't Haram? To shut down people's thinking is not Haram? Trafficking girls for prostitution is not Haram? Then they would rather drink and eat sausage, because it only hurts them in the world and the afterlife, but what we are not talking about and they do it harm the masses! Most of the damages end up in Islam, which after their actions is difficult to portray as credible. Trolls, opinion dictators are coming and sweep us away. We walk on the streets humiliated, bending our heads down, tolerating comments that hurt our ladies wearing hijab, and we are scared to mention accidentally the name of Allah on the phone, and the programmed eavesdropping starts because you immediately becomes a terrorist suspect and you feel always eyes in the middle of your back following you. No! We need another world where everyone can proudly wear what they want, we can say Allahu Akbar without people throwing themselves to the ground around us, fearing an explosion. To achieve this, we need to create pride and straightness. And this is only possible along principles. Today, principles do not work; some of the followers either have soft ridges or immeasurable ignorance.

The outside world uses the opportunity and strengthens the fake principles that have been degraded by our incredibility. They build their strategy on the wealth of our rich and the misery of our growing number of poor, and they manipulate us (plural form first person!).

Where are the straight Muslims? Not the big-mouthed radicals, but the straight ones? Where are those who do not see the world only in black and white? Where are those who do not see America, Israel, but can see the poor, the rich, the sinner, the innocent, without labeling them, without linking them to particular identities? Where are those who do not lose their brains when they have to analyze without party interest and those who are not deriving their judgments according to religious belonging, instead of belonging to the ONE FAITH? Why are we categorizing by ethnicity, cultural identity and not by fate that we shape and fate that we cannot shape, because it either provides us grace or afflicts us unexpectedly. The earthquake, the tsunami, has no identity, we have it. While the point of forming a good or bad opinion is not the MAN him/herself, but the hooked or snub nose, the blond straight or brown curly hair, the black or blue eyes and the white or oily skin color, it is difficult to use common terminologies to regulate our lives. Help to change that. Thank you for reading, and being with me and I ask Allah to forgive me for all my mistakes.

By the Soul, and the proportion and order given to it; (Quran 91:7)

Allah makes the soul, and gives it order, proportion, and relative perfection, in order to adapt it for the particular circumstances in which it has to live its life. Cf. 32:9. See also 2:117. He breathes into it an understanding of what is sin, impiety, wrong-doing and what is piety and right conduct, in the special circumstances in which it may be placed. This is the most precious gift of all to man, the faculty of distinguishing between right and wrong.

And its enlightenment as to its wrong and its right;- (Quran 91:8)

Truly he succeeds that purifies it, (Quran 91:9)

And he fails that corrupts it! (Quran 91:10)

This is the core of the Sura, and it is illustrated by a reference to the story of the Thamud in the following verses.
