h i r d e t é s

Tissue and organ transplantation

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Eddig olvastam
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Tissue and organ transplantation

2020. december 11. - 18:41

We have limited control over our body. We only partially can decide what should happen with our body in our lives and after death even less than that.

Verily, when He intends a thing, His Command is, "be", and it is! (Quran 36:82)

And His creation is not dependent on time, or instruments or means, or any conditions whatsoever. Existence waits on His Will, or Plan, or Intention. The moment He wills a thing, it becomes His Word or Command, and the thing forthwith comes into existence

As always, when it comes to donating tissues and body organs, the sanctity of life should determine our decisions. However, here the point is not one but two lives.

The Sharia divides the debate into two parts. Are we donors in our lives or after we die? First, let's review the considerations on the organs we give in our lives. Some of our scholars believe that our organs can be divided into groups of small and big importance regarding donation. Of small importance are those that can regenerate. These include blood, bone marrow, etc. These can be offered without hesitation to others for healing. However, there are organs that do not regenerate or are not reproduced by our body. Such is the kidney. It cannot be offered from a living person. According to another group of scholars, kidney can be offered too, because even one kidney can ensure physiological function, but the other can save lives.

Now let's see the post-death organ transplant. Here we need to clarify a fundamental point. To what extent is an individual entitled to dispose on his/her body after death? There are three opinions at this point. According to a small group, one has no right. So, the body has to be buried without intervention. According to the other, one has right and the will regarding the body must be fulfilled. So, the testator is free to offer his/her organs to save other people's lives. The third opinion is that the testator may make such a statement, can offer some of his/her organs, but the body should not be abused by brutal interventions.

Is it possible to transplant an organ from a Muslim to a kafir (unbeliever)? The answer is yes. It was not us who created life, but Allah. He also gave the life for the kafir in this world and only Allah can decide to take it, man doesn't. It is our job to protect life without any restriction. Can be transplanted an organ from a kafir to a Muslim? The answer is yes! Is it possible to transplant an organ from an animal to a human, be it Muslim or Kaffir? The answer is yes! Explanation: Virtually all our lives are based on memory. Not only on conscious but also on physiological memory. If we plant a mango seed, a mango tree will grow from it. If we plant an apple seed in the same soil, an apple tree will grow. The seed is nothing but memory. The memory regarding mango is concentrated in the mango seed and the memory of the apple exists in the seed of the apple. The same applies to the body. If a woman eats a bread-and-butter, that bread-and-butter will build the body of the woman. If a man eats the same bread-and-butter, he will not become a woman! It is because our bodies are nothing more than memory! In our cells and our smallest constituents is concentrated all the memory that builds up our body.

Wherever an organ comes from us, or we give it to anyone, that organ will transform according to the memory of the recipient. After surgery, it becomes our organ if it was donated for us and becomes the recipient's organ if he/she received it. The same applies to organs transplanted from animals. If those are accepted by the genetics, hormonal and other regulation of our body, then the memory within us transforms it into our own body. If that didn't happen, eating beef would turn us into cattle, wouldn't we? (Although I see that many times!). Here the theological aspect of the question arises. What happens at the time of Resurrection if I have a part of my body what doesn't belong to me? Well, these are the questions I love damn because they show the primitiveness of the person who is asking. Let leave some work for Allah (SWT)! This is His business! Such bullshit takes the energy away from saving the lives of others! We keep on debating on nonsense until we cannot fulfill our earthly duty. Our thoughts can guarantee our motivations only for our earthly being. Anyone who deals more with that kind of issues than the allowed limits will get into the field of Haram! Behold, this is He, Allah in Whose hands is the dominion of all things, and He alone judges the events what we see and what we do not!

So glory to Him in Whose hands is the dominion of all things: and to Him will ye be all brought back. (Quran 36:83)

All things were created by Allah; are maintained by Him; and will go back to Him. But the point of special interest to man is that man will also be brought back to Allah and is answerable to Him, and to Him alone.
