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You have the right to silence, nobody should take it away from you

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You have the right to silence, nobody should take it away from you

2020. augusztus 17. - 18:20

There are questions that we can answer and there are others that we cannot, and yet we force the answer out of ourselves. There are situations that are unequivocal, fit into the norms of our environment, and some others do not.

Many times, our unnecessary explanations make things worse. What do I mean? I mention two cases from the Quran and you will understand. The first is the story of Zechariah. Anyone who is familiar with the Bible knows whom I'm talking about. Zechariah was a devoted servant of Allah. His relatives, who were also born to serve God, followed a corrupt life. He was alone in the service of God day and night. He got old and had no child. Then he turned to God with his worship to give him an offspring. A dialogue began between him and the Lord. God promised him the birth of a descendant named John (in the Bible is called St. John the Baptist, the messenger of the advent of Jesus). Then Zacharias was terrified, what would happen if people were to spread gossips about him at the age of 80? How could he have a child in such a state of old age? How can he explain the birth of John to his surroundings? The answer of Lord: with silence. Don't talk to people for three days. People are oblivious. You keep the story alive if you explain too much. If you remain silent, people will pass and forget what seems inexplicable.

(Zakariya) said: "O my Lord! give me a Sign." "Thy Sign," was the answer, "Shall be that thou shalt speak to no man for three nights, although thou art not dumb." (Quran 19:10)

Compare this verse with 3:41. The variations are interesting. Here it is "for three nights": there it is "for three days". The meaning is the same, for a day is a period of 24 hours. But the point of view is different in each case. - There it was from the point of view of the Ummah or Congregation, among whom he worked by day; - here the point of view is that of his individual soul, which spent the nights in prayer and praise.

In the same Surah, the concept of silent comes again in the story of Mary. The Immaculate Conception comes true (as Islam admits it as well) and the fear is overpowered on Mary. What does she tell to people? How did she get pregnant? And here's the answer:

"So eat and drink and cool (thine) eye. And if thou dost see any man, say, 'I have vowed a fast to ((Allah)) Most Gracious, and this day will I enter into not talk with any human being'". (Quran 19:26)

She was to decline all conversation with man or woman, on the plea of a vow to Allah. The "fast" here does not mean abstinence literally from eating and drinking. She has just been advised to eat the dates and drink of the stream. It means abstinence from the ordinary household meals, and indeed from human intercourse generally.

Silence is often left out of our lives, although silence is an important part of communication. The composers know this well and put it in their pieces. Sometimes they make muted, sometimes amplify with silence particular parts of the musical composition. We use it little in the verbal communication. We are living in the age of noises, where the one is right who is the loudest, quickest and can take breath through his ass, because otherwise has no time for that in the course of his speech! He knows, if he misses a breath, someone else interrupts and he loses the opportunity to speak.

But silence not only helps to obscure the incomprehension of the environment, but also organizes our affairs within ourselves. There are things you can't discuss with anyone. A death event affects everyone differently, depending on one' personality. There are those who need people to be around to mourn the deceased with them and some who prefer to be alone. He/she mourns that way, because no one can know the sort of bond that linked him/her to the dead. He/she knows this alone, and anyone who comes would just disturb his/her thoughts. So, that is his/her farewell. Because we're all different.

You have a right to the silence. Don't you realize that it is going to be taken away from you? The media tries to take every minute of you. They don't know what to lie anymore, just keep you attentive with something sensational! Their goal is to make you "consume" what they say, don't analyze it, don't go away, don't think, just "eat" every info as you get them. When you would be losing your mind already, a sex scene, a shooting, or a catastrophe would keep you awake. You get stuck in front of the screen and you fall asleep there. You no longer have time to think and analyze. The result: an accelerated, superficial world that does not think.

Silence also serves to talk not only with yourself but with God. The above two verses are also a dialogue between God and Zechariah and between God and Mary. Do not think that such a dialogue cannot take place between God and you! Try it! You will become a new person.
