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How to choose a spouse for yourself and do you need a spouse at all?

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How to choose a spouse for yourself and do you need a spouse at all?

2020. május 04. - 18:50

Let’s see what is in the Hadith

It was narrated that: Alqamah bin Qais said: “I was with Abdullah bin Masud in Mina, and Uthman took him aside. I was sitting near him. Uthman said to him: 'Would you like that I marry you to a young virgin who will remind you of how you were in the past?' When Abdullah saw that he did not say anything to him apart from that, he gestured to me, so I came and he said: 'As you say that the Messenger of Allah said “O young men, whoever among you can afford it, let him get married, for it is more effective in lowering the gaze and guarding one's chastity. Whoever cannot afford it, let him fast, for it will diminish his desire.

In addition to the above, there are many recommendations for religiousness, similar social level, good nature, virtue, good family background, and more. The above Hadith is aimed at young people and supports them to marry as soon as possible so that they can live their natural biological order within legal framework.

Let's dig into this topic further.
When a man, whether male or female, comes to the gate of a life-defining decision, he/she sets out his/her own expectations and needs. Yes, we only have our own point of view and not the view of the other person. Whoever thinks differently is not telling the truth. There are physical, psychological, emotional, social and let's admit financial needs and expectations. Anyone who does not say so is lying because this is the normal program. Many people believe that with choosing a spouse they will satisfy all the five needs and they will be happy. Here's the mistake. We should be happy with one or two accomplishments that we can get from each other. Even this is wonderful! Where none of the conditions are met, the connection does not work. It is better that it does not come into existence.
We live in diverse societies and we are many kinds of people. There are places where marriage is an expectation, family obligation, while some other places it is instinctive and the thousands of transitions of these two provide the environment for making such a decision. It is very rare that this life-deciding decision is conscious. However, it should be conscious. What to consider before making a conscious decision?
The world today is different than it was 1400 years ago. Is it necessary at all to live in marriage or not? According to an African saying: if you want to go quickly, go alone, but if you want to go far, it's better to have a companion with you. But if your companion is crazy and holds you back, you'd better be alone.

People tend to believe themselves to be immortal and this false consciousness pervades their plans, their future ideas. Very few are aware that we can die at any moment. But the consciousness of immortality suggests distorted plans. So, according to the African saying, if you appoint the end of the road very far and you are not aware that your partner will change, will be grow old, nasty, sick, or even may have plans that are not coincide with yours, then do not expect a lasting relationship. If you set the end of the road too short, have short-term goals, expect death at any moment, do it alone and don't involve in it anybody else. There is a bar between these two paths, the content of which can be filled with rational or conscious decisions regarding a partner. In making these decisions, it is important to know that the other party also has physical, psychological, social, emotional and financial expectations. And if you can fulfill some of them, that should be enough. If you combine all of this with the classical recommendations of Islam and go through the discussions regarding conciliation, you will surely make the right choice. I emphasize: recommendations! And not obligations! If you do not accept it, then no matter recommendations of Islam or anything else, you will increase the number of those who are victims of modern life and will raise the statistics of divorces.
So far, I have not come out of the framework of teachings and rationality. But now I have to come out. What about love? This is the moment when I stand up and don't answer. If I answer, I'd try to force an irrational thing in a box with rational arguments. That would be idiotism. Love is not in a space that could be reached through logic, reasoning, teaching. Love can upset all my previous explanations and teachings or it can confirm them. I don't know. This is always different. But just as love is in the irrational space, so is faith. If faith is to be explained, it is no longer faith. And these two, love and faith are essential in our lives to build strength, recharging and to get our spiritual nourishment. Perhaps with the example of love, I can make non-believers think, because they also can be in love and can perceive that in a lover and in a believer, there are enormous energies that can break every rational barrier. Therefore, no one should abuse these energies. If it explodes, there is no equation for how long it explodes and how large is the crater what remains behind. This is a message to those who set hatred in the hearts.
