A series of lecture entitled “Faces of Islam” for PhD students at Eötvös Loránd University
In the autumn semester, the Faculty of Social Sciences of Eötvös Loránd University put a series of lectures entitled “Faces of Islam” on its agenda, which was delivered by Dr. Balázs Mihálffy / Sheikh Abdel Rahman Mihálffy.
The lectures fit into the curriculum of the PhD doctoral students and took place in the form of an easy tea party.
The series of lectures is worth mentioning because the university, including doctoral training, has advanced beyond the thematic framework of a given discipline and presented for its students the knowledge accredited in another field and not only the knowledge accredited from one direction. Hungary of the future as well as Europe, needs professionals who profess sciences, who dare to open the door to knowledge wider and dare to see the world not within a confined and rigid boundary. The letter of thanks from the Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences of Eötvös Loránd University, given to Dr. Sheikh Mihálffy by Dr. György Csepeli, Head of the Interdisciplinary Program, can be read here (translation):
Dr. Balázs Mihalffy, Sheikh Abdel Rahman
Allow me to thank you for your work at our Faculty, during which you held a full-semester course in the fall of 2020 in the Interdisciplinary Doctoral Program of the Doctoral School of the Faculty of Social Sciences of Eötvös Loránd University.
The interdisciplinary Doctoral Program is, by its very nature, inter- and multidisciplinary in feature and based on that your course fits perfectly into our educational curriculum. However, it provided more than that: both our doctoral students and the lecturers who attended the course could expand with a set of knowledge that could enrich and at the same time increase the perception and reception of Islam in Hungary. Thanks to that, the students of the course can carry on all the knowledge and attitude that, according to our hopes and goals, promotes the understanding and acceptance between the Hungarian / European / Christian culture and Islamic culture.
We sincerely thank you for your work once again and we wish you further useful work and success in the spirit of a further cooperation.
Budapest, 11th November, 2020
Dr. Gábor Juhász Dr. György Csepeli
dean program manager
Faculty of Social Sciences, ELTE Interdisciplinary DP, ELTE
Az előadások a PhD doktori hallgatók tanrendjébe illeszkedtek és könnyed teadélután formában zajlottak le.
Ez az előadássorozat azért érdemel említést, mert az egyetem, azon belül a doktorandusz képzés, továbblépett egy adott diszciplína tematikai keretein és nem csupán egy irányból akkreditált tudást, hanem egy más körben akkreditált tudást mutatott be hallgatóinak. A jövő Magyarországának, Európának olyan tudományokat művelő szakemberekre van szüksége, akik szélesebbre merik nyitni a tudás kapuját és nem csak egy megszokott és tradícióvá merevedett határok közt mernek csak világot látni, ill. világra kitekinteni.
Az ELTE Társadalomtudományi Kara Dékánjának köszönőlevele, melyet Dr. Csepeli György, az Interdiszciplináris Program vezetője adott át Mihálffy sejknek, itt olvasható >>