"Algorism" is the name of the new system
America has set an example on establishing and operating a modern democracy, but it has also shown how it can be broken down.
I have no right nor knowledge regarding to who won and who lost the election in 2020. In fact, for me, it’s indifferent and considered as American home affairs. However, it matters what is happening in America now, how much it will be the scenario for a populist-driven change of power anywhere else in the future. To what extent that will be a pattern in Hungary in 2022? If there was a fraud, how common will be the fraud as principle in order to announce legitim results? And if a decision is made, how much it will be the expectation to be there rage, turmoil, non-acceptance of results? Doesn't it matter who wins? The story is about as much as appointing a new director to a prison. Whether can the new director make substantial changes? Will he keep the cell doors open? No. Only his communication will be different.
I know the result does matter to those who are involved in some interest-group. This is an issue of power from here, which on my very simple level does not make an impact. We are about 7 billion on that level. For us, it is not the outcome of this vote will determine whether we can buy half a pound of bread in the store. Our survival depends on how much we can isolate ourselves from the provisions of our own authorities and solve our problems within our own circle, as our sober mind commands. In most cases this means that you hang yourself on the gallows when you submit your first permit application to an authority. From this point on, you exalt above yourself something whose provisions aim the purpose of plundering and subjugating. So, don't be surprised! You are the one who decided.
It is true, however, that if the scenario of this domestic political crisis in the U.S. serves as a model elsewhere, we will be less able to disassociate ourselves from populist trends because our survival will require to join to one of them. This, in turn, leads to further “insanity”. It will be forbidden to think!
It is a known fact in theology that we can group our thinking according to three trends: intellect, emotion, tradition ( والتقليد العاطفة و العلم مذهب .( If these are consistent between themselves, there is nothing wrong. But any of its extremes can cause huge damages. Yes, the extreme of the intellect can also harm if it does not respect emotions and tradition. The man of today tends to follow only one element of that three and forge it as a leading idea. This is made more complicated by our online devices that we use to reprogram ourselves, convert intellect, emotion, and tradition into a digitized data which are used to set up particular algorithms by some humanoids. Yes, I call these beings humanoids, because they no longer have any qualities or emotions that refer to humans. For example, to what extent the system-construction of Mark Zuckerberg, the director of Facebook or the Chinese President Xi Jinping remind us as human-centered creations? Aren't they the aliens from outer space? Do they not have an influence on the algorithms that affect our lives, the politicized viral pandemic that rewrites economic conditions, general behavior? (This was not a virus denial, just a virus role analysis).
I'm afraid that populism, trumpism, and I might go on, will be a decisive part of our lives, as the devastated mass of brains will be an essential condition for the “algorism” created by humanoids. In its name, it will not step into the place of our democratic systems, our rule of law, as we will create our new status by reprogramming ourselves, but in its content, it will no longer be democracy and rule of law. The algorithm dictates. Still, there is a hope:
Their intention is to extinguish Allah's Light (by blowing) with their mouths: But Allah will complete (the revelation of) His Light, even though the Unbelievers may detest (it). (Quran 61:8)
Allah's Light is unquenchable. A foolish, ignorant person who thinks of extinguishing it is like a rustic who wants to blow out electric light as he might blow out a rush candle!
The above aya refers to the survival and victory of Islam, Muslims are not mentioned in it. It will not take long to enjoy our existence if being a Muslim means repeating our expressions insha Allah, masha Alllah, astaghfurallah a thousand times a day, while criticizing those close to us with bubbling hatred: who wears a hijab, who doesn't, who puts a necklace around his neck, who doesn't, who grows a beard, who doesn't. Our outlook stops at the point whether Jesus is the son of God, or not, was crucified or not, have to be hated the Jews as a whole or not, while all these factors formulate hundreds of algorithms in order to turn against each other and foolishly, we transform ourselves into tools for our own destruction. If it stays that way, we’ll also be integrated into the crowd of zombies. At most, wearing a hijab and beard sets us apart from the rest of society, our debates take place at this level as well, but we will be just as stupid and deceived as anyone else.
Trumpism has reached us long ago. Only today we know that trumpism is the name how we can identify it. Perhaps seeing what this perception causes outside of Umma, should make us grateful for our mere existence, as we have done the utmost in the past and present against our own survival. Perhaps a change will begin within ourselves where we associate significance for the words of Allah that override the judgements whether the nail polish is haram or halal.
To sum it up: doesn’t matter that Trump has lost, Trumpism lives on and floods the world with thousands of brainwashed beasts. They are already a target-audience for whom algorithms can be formulated and by programming themselves accordingly, can become a decisive mass. It does not matter who is a Muslim in that crowd or who is not. In the future, any attributive that concerns religion or affiliation will be misleading. All that matters: who is brain-dead and who is not.