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Interpreting Halal slightly differently

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Eddig olvastam
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Interpreting Halal slightly differently

2020. május 07. - 16:07

People are asleep as long as they are alive, when they die, they wake up. (Ali ben Abi Talib)

There are numerous Quranic quotes that warn people, to eat healthy, think, spend money and establish relationships correct way.
5:100, 4:43, 2:188, 7:157, 5:3, 5:90, 5:88, 2:275, 5:5.
Basically, one can observe that the blessed, good thing is described by the Quran as Tayeb and Halal is its marker. So, we humans should not put on our flag a simple marker, but Tayeb, which is a blessed thing. And this is how our Halal compliance will reach further.

Let's look at our diet under this light.

The human body is one of the most perfect chemical plant known today. Huge order of hormones, enzymes, acids, molecules where all functions of the creation work in harmony. There is only one exception in the order and this is the consciousness. Man is able to override this order and can take substances which affect or even subvert this harmony. In the meantime, this process can get to the point where chemical agents, intoxicants prevail over the will and consciousness. So, man reprograms himself and becomes a self-destructive being. If he/she is only doing this within his/her own generation, so let it be. But that's not the case. The significance of a civilization is that the future generation transcends its predecessors. When a drug and chemically-influenced individual or even generation gives birth to a new generation, the reprogramming of chemical structure and consciousness will be stabilized. In many cases, this is a step backwards from the predecessors. So, reprogramming ourselves can cause a crisis not only for the individual but for the whole community. if we approach the world of Tayeb-Halal in this way, we need to talk about a constantly updating process that filters out the impurities of the age.
In the time of the Prophet (peace be upon him), everything was "organic." Natural waters, pastures, soil provided food. Therefore, the regulations were only concerned on the final stage of the food production. Slaughter, bleeding, consumption. Antibiotics, hormones, heavy metal salts, poisons did not enter the food. Today the situation is different. In addition to alcohol and drug agents, several other hazardous factors are there in our daily diet which represent danger to our own chemical plant. It is true not only about meat but all consumer good.
However, the basic concept covers not only physical but also spiritual impurities. What kind of money goes into the manufacturing process and how? Is compound interest take part? Does "money laundering" takes place where the income from arm sales, drug trafficking, or prostitution is financing a seemingly Halal product?
If so much chemical and spiritual contamination exists in our consumer goods that we finally buy with money that is a piece of paper without value, our slaughtering procedure is just a theater. I am not claiming that it is irrelevant, I am merely claiming that we should not block our mind in the 21st century at the level of slaughtering rituals what were in practice 1400 years ago.
We have been given the teaching that provides us the opportunity of modernization at all ages and we are stuck with a rite. And even that is done at mafia level. In Manchester, for example, a butcher shop only accepts goods with the stamp of a certain group. And that commodity is bought cheaply in the non-Halal section of the market.
Traders are blinded by the price and the profit that can be realized. They also buy the cheapest for export. What is the cheapest? The item what is produced the fastest, with the least amount of capital invested. That can be gained by mass application of chemicals. Water binding agents, hormones, appetite enhancers, antibiotics, etc. The product will be cheap, but after reaching to the market of a particular Muslim country it will cause health hazard on long term. Then the cost of medical treatment comes into picture, or maybe the construction of a new hospital that could have been saved with healthy food.
We and our animals don't retain all toxic substances, as most of those leave the living organisms and accumulate in waters and soils. How can we hope to produce healthy vegetables and fruits on such soils? So, the issue of Halal arises there too.
We've entered the 21st century, when individual awareness is playing an increasing role. Increasingly, it is not the Mufti or the politicians, but the individual takes decision. If we do not establish our consciousness, for which we have a good foundation, we will become not serious. A principle, a teaching, is viable when it becomes a positive human value for all. It is our responsibility to make Halal serving the whole humanity.
