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Nobody would understand Assisi St. Francis if he would live today

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Nobody would understand Assisi St. Francis if he would live today

2020. május 27. - 18:11

In order to understand the story, you should know that I conduct a secluded life. My relation with people is very limited. My life what used to live, was rich in adventures and studies. Anything what is for public I post in Facebook.

Most of the time I stay with my books. I move out of my place usually before sunrise for jogging an hour. When sun appears, I reach back to my room. This way I avoid people, traffic and noise. I can see the happiest events in my life, when I close my eyes and hear the voices of my beloved ones, when there is silence around me. I feel myself rich in this sort of existence because a lot of thoughts come to my mind of which I can share some, but there are many others what remain inside me.
This is where my article begins. After my lecture I got a question from a journalist: Well, it is true that you gave a nice lecture concerning essence and structure, however what have you got in your life with your intellect? Do you have flat, car or wealth? Do you have any regular income? How it comes that you need shelter from other people where to live? Why haven’t you reached to anywhere? Indeed. Why haven’t I reached to anywhere? Or, to be more accurate: why haven’t I reached to anywhere in this world? Because I don’t live in this world. This is the reason. If this journalist would have lived in the medieval, he would have asked Assisi St. Francis the same question. Assisi renounced from pleasures of this world, segregated himself in the nature and discovered the essence of faith and his existence in the harmony of creature. “Hi Francis, what have you got in this life?” Nothing. Thanks God! If he would have enjoyed pleasures of the material world, he would have never become the person who he is. However, with today’s eyes, Francis wasted his life.
Behold! “What have you got in this world” has become the most usual and ordinary issue so much so there is no other space for being out of the material one. Contemplation, philosophy used to gain respect of people and they were honored, but not today. Everything must operate on a profit-based calculation including the efficiency of cemeteries. Maybe I belong to one of the last fellows whose thoughts circulates around the teachings of classical Islam in a non-Islamic, in fact, not friendly society with Islam. Who would pay for me here? Nobody. In this world nobody. However, there is another world. I get my payment there. I will get also nice abode and provision. I know that this statement sounds stupid in this world but I don’t expect anything out of foolish looks. When the Promise will be fulfilled people will look differently:

Then will the true promise draw nigh (of fulfilment): then behold! the eyes of the Unbelievers will fixedly stare in horror: "Ah! Woe to us! we were indeed heedless of this; nay, we truly did wrong!" (Quran 21: 97)

Many are the Jinns and men we have made for Hell: They have hearts wherewith they understand not, eyes wherewith they see not, and ears wherewith they hear not. They are like cattle,- nay more misguided: for they are heedless (of warning). (Quran 7:179)

I got another question: Do you really believe in hereafter? Does hereafter motivate you to conduct this sort of life?
Answer: Its up to me what I believe and what I don’t. I conduct this sort of life because it is good for me like that.
I expected another question what he didn’t put me up: are you happy? I think this question would have been the most significant. And I should have replied: yes, I am happy.
Finally, I asked the journalist: do you have flat, car and regular income? Yes, he said.
Are you happy? His face was sad and didn’t give any reply.
