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2020. december 18. - 18:56

We have a stigma on us. Yes, we Muslims carry a stigma.

A kép illusztráció! - Forrás: pixabay.com

I was talking to a girl. She was sympathetic to me and I was sympathetic to her. We never met, just talked. We had a lot of fun, we laughed, our opinions were similar about the things in the world. Suddenly, the religion came to light. I'm a Muslim, I said. The atmosphere froze. Are you a Muslim? – she asked me back as if she could hardly believe that she had conversed with a Muslim so far. Yes, I said. You are not human, she erupted. We argued, but I was unable to overcome her temper. How dare you to paint a positive image on Islam when you slaughter innocent people? How can your Book be sacred and good as you explain it? You are all liars and then she deleted me. This was not a single example, but a recurring case. It is also common that a human relationship starts normally, but with the entry of Islam, everything gets overshadowed even when there is no rupture. This is how prejudice, which is our stigma comes true. The most common accusation is that we are terrorists. Terrorism in Arabic Irhab,  ارهاب

Since this concept did not exist in the present sense 1400 years ago, there were no planes that could have been hijacked, nor WTC that could have been blown up on 9/11, so the equivalent at that age was Huraba, حرابة In its context, it means banditry or brigandage. This was one of the most serious crimes of the age. Imagine a caravan that travels through the desert and transports the wealth and livelihoods of many people. This is attacked by bandits, the cargo is taken away, some of the caravan crew is executed on the spot, the rest is held hostage for whom they ask for ransom. This is Huraba. This act can be exacerbated by blackmail, political interference, etc., but the basic story is a crime committed to the detriment of lives and properties of innocent and defenseless people. Sharia interprets and sanctions each word separately in this definition. The accusation against us is that our Book prescribes that for us. Let's see what our Book prescribes:

The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger, and strive with might and main for mischief through the land is: execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides, or exile from the land: that is their disgrace in this world, and a heavy punishment is theirs in the Hereafter; (Quran 5:33)

Huraba is considered the biggest sin what can one commit against humanity. Therefore, in the Islamic Criminal Law it is sanctioned very sincerely. In the time of Prophet it meant e.g. brigandage where caravans and convoys were massacred. I can compare it today to the terrorist acts. There are degrees according to the act what have been achieved. The sanction follows the degree of the act, therefore the sentence may be execution, or crucifixion or maiming or exile.

I know now, the human rights, the ban on death penalty, and others enter the scene. At that age, this was the norm and accordingly the heaviest punishment was imposed following the social expectations of the given community.

The situation would be different if there could be an operational body (may God save me if I take into account the concept of a Sharia court!) that, according to Islam, would also condemn a particular crime in connection with a terrorist act. Here I am not thinking of a Muslim peace procession, compassionate tears, bouquets of flowers at the scene, because let's confess: it's worth of bullshit. I am referring to a serious decree, in our terms a fatwa, which is worth something in the public thinking of Muslims and is present even when these terminologies are exterminated with fire and sword by the European supremacy. But they exterminate it in vain when it comes to light as a millennial innervation. The standard opposing position, the public aversion raised in the introduction, the inner hatred which is generated against us, only reinforce the inclination of our thinking toward Islam and multiplies the actions of those who are “terrorists”. Believe me, we see a loophole that Europe cannot address. Or maybe they don't want to?

Of course, my argument above is worthless if some dick among my fellow believers continue to yell Allah Akbar and cut off the heads of innocents. They certainly don't know what the above verse of Quran 5:33 means. They just know what the sheik in the mosque ordered for them to do, after he got a little bag with money from a macho white who only knew English. Because things come together here. Therefore, my “problem-solving” suggestion above will not find understanding ears in the near future. But what if I wanted to blow up the Eiffel Tower? Well, then that white macho would help, sure. That's what concerns teaching and reality.
