They were examples at first but they have become excellent counterexamples for today
You are old, go home, we don't need you. If you hear this many times, you really get older. It is not because of your age that you went through you, but by the words that is spoken to you.
The same when one brings up a child: Hey Steve! You are stupid and you will remain stupid! However, James at the neighbor's house...! And Steve remains really stupid, because he makes himself known that this is his place among people while James at neighbor’s house will be a genius because he only hears praising words. Words have tremendous power, especially when those are repeated! Words can be used to shape and change human lives. And there are whole industries specialized for that. This is how grew up among us those who are always "telling certainties" and those who "they certainty is about them". About the "tellers of certainties" nobody can say anything, they are well-known that they stand above all and they can always have opinion. Those who belong to "the certainties about them" however, can never have a position, never form public opinion and cannot even defend themselves. So, terminologies like terrorist and savior can fly in the virtual space and if those are said a lot, will be attached to the particular party. And people do not think so much and do not make distinctions. Today, this is the content of faith: to believe the narratives what are stated by "the certainty tellers".
Let's make things complicated more. We must complicate it, because in the preceding reasoning every word appeared in its original context where the words still mean what we originally attributed to them. But today there is a different world. Many times, the opposite of every word is true. Because if faith is diverted from God to man, he converts faith into credulity and manipulates it in his own interest. So, if one talks about peace, we can be sure that he actually wants war. If the argument is about love, then within the person hatred is boiling. After all, only he is the one who can give love, he has privatized the right to love and everyone else is an enemy who is trying to love.
And cover not Truth with falsehood, nor conceal the Truth when ye know (what it is). (Quran 2:42)
Judaism and Jews were common in Arabia. Uncle of Khadija, the first wife of Mohammed (peace upon him) was a scholar of Torah. His name was Waraqa ben Novel. When he heard about the occurrence and the circumstances of the first revelations which reached to Mohammed he was sure about the advent of the final prophecy. The basic element of Judaism is to wait for Messiah. However they were convinced that Messiah has to be Jew as it used to be. Majority of them didn’t accept an Arabic Messiah even if this distinction doesn’t exist in the Torah. Therefore, the Jewish tribes (Banu Nadir, Banu Koriza and Banu Kaneika’a) of Yathreb (later its name changed to Medina) refused to accept the prophecy of Mohammed and they changed the worlds of their Scripture in order to deny the advent of an Arabic messenger.
The quote above came back to my mind a thousand times. Today it is as true for us as it once was true for the Jewish Scripture-interpreters of Medina. Here you are the timeless truth of the Quran! Well, I've traveled half the world. True, I went to the poorer half, but I saw with my own eyes what the richer half did there. Those 30 years did not pass away without trace. I am disgusted with the acts of those saints and proclaimers of truth, who brought God, Allah there. God was there even before them but they said they are the one who bring Him. In many cases I have seen young children to die of hunger or not to live for a month. Since I worked in an orphanage, I buried many of them. It was a practice to wait a few months with babies who were left in the streets. No one had ever registered their birth immediately, because what a lot of unnecessary paperwork, administration if they die anyway in this period! Their birth is only registered by God. How comes to mind Jesus, Mohammed and the Saints? These babies don't have as many opportunities to commit sins or small pranks as Jesus had in the same age! Of course, he was holy. Well! You pray, your weep, accept all nonsense they say while your thinking is oriented, and finally you trample on each other at the exit of the temple. You look affectionately in the eyes of others, but there is unbridled hatred in your hearts. It makes me upset when I see temple ornaments embellished with gold because I know where the gold came from and at what price.
My little Muslim, don't laugh too! You're the same! Your mosques are only good for spreading ignorance. Don't argue again about the invisible powers what make the world move. You are not silly because of this power, but because of your own quality. And you, dear Brothers? I don't need your empty phrases about the humanism of your ancestors! I saw with my own eyes the trees where they tied the slaves in Africa. I also saw the chains and heard the elder ones telling the stories of the march of Muslim slave hunters. They reported on the barbaric deeds while they shouted Allahu Akbar. Or doesn't Ali tell you anything about this today? Of course not. He knows as if his greatgrandfather was on the cause of Allah to convert the blacks. I have to vomit from the self-praising atmosphere of foot-smelling mosques, which bear the names of humble-billionaire emirs and dignities. They relax in orgies because of the fatigue caused by the crimes against humanity which were committed in the name of Allah. The mosques they build are just a camouflage and they only put their feet into them if they want to celebrate themselves. However, when people begin to realize the truth, mosques are closed and they open them only in prayer times. This is the case in many places. And to top it off, they are creating radical organizations to obscure reality further and to suppress their appetite. The mosques built for these extremists are always open and can even function as recruitment offices! Of course, you can imagine how does love and the word of God sound from their mouths!
It doesn't matter. Al-sabr jameel! Steadfastness is nice. I know that the true word of Allah, God, will prevail!
I attach some images that express the spirit. Those are not about the faith, but the spirit that an organization above you is going to plant in you in order to make division between mankind. These organizations are the worst associations in the world. They are stealing not only wealth, power, but they are also enslaving souls. The mafia doesn't do that. You serve them, and you don't even think about God! God forbid to exempt Hitler and Stalin from crimes against humanity, but in the name of religions I think that many more sins have been committed which claimed many more victims! What's more, the perpetration of these crimes, whether directly or indirectly, cruelly or with finetuning, is still going on!
In summary, words have tremendous power, something we have known since the rhymes of our childhood. But we have to put the words in the right context twice. First, in the correct context of the meaning, and second, in the correct context of the subject who is pronouncing the words. And last but not least, the Scriptures are not about the sins of others, but about our own sins.
Left: Saint Ignatius of Loyola Defeating Heresy; a statue in the Church of Saint Nicholas, Mala Strana, Prague.
Right: S. Cyrilli Alexandrini - St. Nicholas Church, Prague.
Portrait of a „Peaceful” Muslim