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Why does the Hungarian government choose nuclear technology?

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Eddig olvastam
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Why does the Hungarian government choose nuclear technology?

2018. július 24. - 16:45

As the Hungarian government driven by an ununderstandable intention signed a deal with the Russian government to build new nuclear plants the government refused to conversate about any kind of alternative energy sources.

And while the solar energy business slightly increased under these circumstances other parts of alternative energy wasn’t so ’lucky’.

It seems like the alternative energy business lost against the government preferred nuclear technology. The new project costs 12 billion euros.

Question Nr.1: Why is it so important for PM. Orbán to accept the Russian offer instead of the more economical and much safer technologies?

The only remarkable reason is that the Russian government have something against the Hungarian Prime Minister. Though it is unknown what compromising information Prime Minister Putin has, but it is not important for this topic.

Question Nr.2: How is it possible, that an extremely dangerous technology can be far more supported?

We have to accept the assumption, that the Hungarian government is simply unfit to fulfill any kind of long-term benefits. After the so called system change (1989) untrustworthy hands got the energy sector (among other things) as a result of insufficient privatisation.

What we’ve got here is the ruthless renaissance the fidelity overwhelming the least sobriety. Bad news is that this fidelity is part of cult of personality built around Mr. Orbán.

/By the way the name of the party that governs is Fidesz. In latin fides means loyalty./

Under these two characteristics it is understandable why the Russian loan is more attractive for the Hungarian government for an extremely risky investment.

Referring to the Sargentini report (serius violition of civil rights) this problem seems unmanageable without external help.

There is a strange misunderstanding about the energetic problems in Hungary. The Hungarian people shows complete uninterest towards the subject. The only question if it is an intended thing or not. Or is it a nationwide post-traumatic symptom of centuries-old authoritarian rule?

Anyway there are two disturbing thing that we have to talk about. First, the project is fundend by Russian loan. Second:

Most of the documents and contracts of the Paks II. nuclear plant expansion have been unclassified, except for one very important detail: it is still classified as a national security secret whether Hungary has to pay any compensation to Rosatom in case the nuclear plant is not built eventually – and, of course, we do not know how much this compensation would be. /Átlátszó/

The situation is complicated due the complete lack of transparency. There is no chance to ask for expert opinions of the persons actually enrolled in the profession.