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Homicide and Qisas

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Homicide and Qisas

2021. március 08. - 18:47

Nor take life - which Allah has made sacred - except for just cause. And if anyone is slain wrongfully, we have given his heir authority (to demand qisas or to forgive): but let him nor exceed bounds in the matter of taking life; for he is helped (by the Law). Quran 17:33

On the subject of Qisas see 2:178 and the notes thereto. Under the strict limitations there laid down, a life may be taken for a life. The heir is given the right to demand the life; but he must not exceed due bounds, because he is helped by the Law.

The above aya is clear. Extinguishing human life is a crime. Discretional retaliation is also a crime.
Retaliation, i.e. the sanction, is applicable according to the Act laid down in the given place and age, which, in addition to imposing a penalty, is also intended to represent the rights of the victim's relatives left behind. The extent of punishment must be commensurate with the crime. These are the rules of Qisas, i.e. the retaliation of crimes against human life. This is not about cutting hands or legs, but about the norms of a society living in a particular time and place.

However, let us take a closer look at this aya, or even all quotations that applies to the extinction of life in the Quran or Hadiths. For this text can only be translated into languages other than Arabic by extinguishing life. There is no mention of life, i.e. Hayyat حياة in the verse. It is not literally written that you should not extinguish life. It must be translated in that way simply because it would be otherwise incomprehensible in non-Arabic languages and public thinking. After all, life is tied to the soul in Islam, not to the body! The word that is there is Nafs نفس which means soul, but we can also translate it to Ego depending on the context.Let's interpret it accordingly! Don't kill the Soul! In a broader sense, this is completely different! It covers not only the extinction of the physiological life phenomena of the body, but also the assassinations against the Soul! Do not acidify, do not dry up, do not take away people's zest for life! Do not produce zombies whose souls you have killed, because if you do it, you will face punishment! And if I interpret it that way, we are all victims of mass murderers here! We are tomfool observers of the mass extermination of souls, while our provisions only deal with the harm of bodies.
What is the solution, what is the positive message? It is there! Don't wait for a solution from the outside. It is up to you to embed yourself in a flood of communication that makes you a zombie, or rely on something where your Soul finds its peace and contentment.
