If you develop your consciousness, you will become resilent
The sense of truth in the world is falling apart. We're starting to realize that an "official" truth covers a lot of hidden injustice. Against the senior leadership which steps on the path of degradation, the individual consciousness can resist while justice is losing its role.
There are thousands of stories on Afghanistan and other crisis areas that have been widely cited in the news. Extreme Islam, Taliban, the cradle of terrorism, the hub of radical Islamic logistics to Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, China's Uyghur regions and other countries in the Middle East. To this end, anybody who has role in shaping world's politics sends troops and for decades are making ruins out of the country and are bombarding their population back to the level of prehistoric consciousness. Besides the many Islamic overtones, the undoubtedly strategic reasons and the geopolitical importance, is it not conspicuous to anyone that Afghanistan haven't been neglected the opium production? Indeed! Homes, infrastructure have been destroyed, but poppy plantations are flourishing, expanding, and the region remains one of the world's major drug superpowers. Russia, the US and now China are interested in keeping it that way. Beyond saving the world, the issue of control over drug trafficking is partly playing role also.
If we analyze the other hot spots anywhere on the earth, we shall also find similar hidden contents. In such a corrupt world, of course, the interest is that you don't notice anything. So, stay stupid. Thousands of means are used to destroy your awareness, which is successfully achieved by the communication factories, we must admit. Your attention is diverted from the real causes and you deal with hanky-panky issues where there is only emotion, but content is nothing. Because by whipping up emotions, the facts are lost. And in this emotional environment, it is possible to place false data that will further increase our blindness and hatred for one another, and we never pay attention to the real causes.
Violence against women is a major concern in India. Courts are slow in taking judgments, cases are dragging on for years. And the villagers do not tolerate that the one who raped their girls stays along without judgement for years. Rather, they lynch the sinner. The police are trapped between the two. Because they know the court is slow and the masses are demanding the lynching of rapist in front of the police station, so they handle the case themselves. The sinner is either shot while "escaping" or "found hanged" in his cell. With this, many secrets are not revealed. We don't really know what has happened. We do not know whether the suspect actually committed the act or how much the police themselves were involved. No investigation followed. But nobody deals with the truth anymore. The point is that the emotions received a satisfactory response. And this is the most important thing today.
If this is the macro world, why would be it different on our micro level? Not only with us! Anywhere else!
An old, well-proven method in Africa is to keep people in poverty. As you can see, it exists everywhere. In poverty, people are unable to become conscious and to analyze. They are occupied with their everyday survival. The world of instincts prevails over them, and these instincts can be satisfied with tiny pleasures, penny-worth vouchers. If hundreds of people get free lunch, they will not realize why they are in the position of needing a free lunch. With the price of a lunch, a cheap voucher, a humanitarian donation for the day, the problem will be solved and only this very day exists. We do not rethink the yesterday, nor do we plan the tomorrow. Only today's bread and livelihood are important. God save us that new power will come, for the existing one solves the present day. True, only this very day. What if a new administration comes in and by the time they occupy their offices and place their own robbery-specific nomenclature, there would be no one who solve our present day and we shall starve to death? At least this has already taken its prey, we know its system and it solves us the present day. Meanwhile, it protects us from all external threats that threaten us. Keeping in the misery dampens the consciousness. If this is accompanied by a low standard of education and health, you will become stupid and die quickly, so you will not cause more trouble.
What can one do who does not bear this fate? You can leave that place. Or you can choose the way of crime. Why to work a low-paid job when you can easily support your family from prostitution and drug trafficking? Remains the apathy, disinterest, and all the variants of living what aims the survival only of the present day as mentioned above.
But there might be something else. And this is the consciousness. This is today's most dangerous resistance. Because your message with consciousness is: "you have no power over me". But if this is your message to the external environment, the question arises that who has power over you? Find this power yourself.
"If not Him, ye worship nothing but names which ye have named,- ye and your fathers,- for which Allah hath sent down no authority: the command is for none but Allah. He hath commanded that ye worship none but Him: that is the right religion, but most men understand not... (Quran 12:40)
If you name other gods, they are nothing but your inventions, -names which you and your fathers put forward without any reality behind them. Who gave you authority to do any such thing? The only reality is Allah. Authority can come from Him alone. It is only for Him to command. And He has distinctly commanded you to worship none other than Him. That is the only religion that is right, - that has stood and will stand and endure forever. He has revealed it at all times by His Messengers and by His Signs. If men fail to understand, it is their own fault.