The response is in the heart
Most of the responses what one has to give for issues of everyday life are coded into the hearts and not in the books.
Therefore, you must deal with your internal world because without decisions of your heart you will become a robot. As a result, instead of living a happy life you will only operate a brain and body.
What do I mean?
If you have a feeling don’t look for any quotation in order to legitimate it. Say: I love you my dear daughter or son! Don’t say: I love you my son and I do it referring to a particular verse from Gospel of Matthew or the Holy Quran. Anybody who lives according to the dry texts of the books and don’t follow the hidden meaning behind them becomes rigid and inflexible. Their conduct will be as the court where judges, prosecutors and lawyers want to push an issue into a paragraph while this issue is not covered by law. If we follow the same legal reasoning with our books the essence of these books will disappear!
Sometimes it is enough to close your eyes and waiting for a response what will come soon from a well-prepared heart. If heart is operated by noble intentions we can trust in its good verdict.