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Without elements of stability faith doesn’t exist

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Without elements of stability faith doesn’t exist

2021. január 20. - 19:26

The hair rises on the back of the West when they hear the words caliphate, sharia, or jihad. It is normal.

The West is a formation that can build and maintain its own well-being only at the cost of diverting the resources of others. These sources can be diverse. Material or intellectual, geographical positions or areas relevant for credit allocations, security aspects or logistics. In addition, there may be civilizations with cultural dominance that must be abolished for the sake of another infantile one in order it can take effect over it. This kind of thinking of the West has historically become natural, its aspirations serve the "modern civilization and democracy", while any defense strategy that resists is barbaric, anti-human, and must therefore be abolished.

From the above basic position, it is clear that the West can only tolerate firm structures that ensure the stability of their own organizations exclusively. On the other hand, in every target area they leave only ideologies and beliefs that are liquid, which are harmless to the security of the West. Anything what is not like that, they dilute it, disintegrate it, and if they are not able to do so, ban it, discredit it, make it hostile.

Sharia, jihad and many other items in Islam serve the protection of my country, my people, my family, both in personal and property aspects, thus giving for my faith a strong structure. The caliphate is a state organization in which doctrines and legal ordinances of Islam provide the theoretical basis for the operation of the administration. As long as an Islamic country is a mere desert where is nothing, it doesn’t matter what principles hold people together. However, the moment the above considerations come into play, the area becomes valuable, the elements that provide stability have to be destroyed. There can be nothing left of Islam but a dilute shit that proclaims only love, it cannot punish the sinner, thief, murderer, aggressor, or even cannot condemn or name them. Thus, those teachings come to the fore from which the skeletal structure of faith is removed or is diluted in the love that is directed, manipulated.

Don't be mistaken, there is love, tolerance, appreciation of others in Islam. The teachings of Sufism are close to a few Christian monastic orders, or Buddhist conceptions. However, Sufism is not the whole of Islam, but part of it, its school. The one who finds the contentment of his/her soul in these schools, can practice the faith here. Jihad also exists in Sufism, but is present mainly in the form of jihad of soul, tolerance, endurance of adversity, and control over the ego.

However, Islam does not consist of one school, but is a set of many concepts, where all of them rest on the Quran. And the Quran is stable. Nothing can change that, for Allah (SWT) supervises it. The perceptions of the schools vary, but the differences do not affect the teachings of the Quran. One scholar sees the guarantee of stability in increasing the resilience of the soul, another in developing awareness, the third one in creating a system of protection. Whatever the path is, the goal is the protection of faith.

Each of the prophets before Muhammad (peace be upon him) had to introduce some kind of material miracle, a hocus-pocus, in order to manifest a convincing testimony before their people. Even these acts were not simple magic tricks, but the power of Allah that stood behind them. Why? Because the peoples were of such a standard that logic, effect on the intellect, would not have convinced them.
It was the honor for Muhammad (peace be upon him) that the words of a tangible miracle, the Quran have been revealed which are given a role that affect only the intellect. There is no more walking on water, no change from a rod to a snake, there is the power of the word what remains. So, there is intellect, and without it there is no Islamic understanding! So far, I’ve been blaming the West, but from here the same has to be done concerning ourselves. If there is no intellect and its daily development, the words sharia, jihad, and caliphate will not get a contemporary meaning, but express some barbaric tradition. They are not defending an achievement, a production of a civilization, but the entrance to a cave where the man of Cro-Magnon lives. However, a miracle affecting the intellect, is not suitable for the protection of prehistoric settlements.
At present, the unfortunate situation is that no matter to what height the scientific and technological revolution has reached, in the approach of the West, the spirit of supremacy and conquest is still there. The Islamic world at the same time cannot find itself. It still takes time to learn to rediscover their own directing principles, which the conquerors made them to forget or the Muslims are ashamed to follow them. The conquerors bombed the defense rampart that had kept order in the brains for a millennium and a half. As long as we are ashamed to confess the doctrines that ensure stability of our thinking and don't place them in a modern intellect, the chaos will persist and the conquest will continue.

Behold, thy Lord said to the angels: "I will create a vicegerent on earth." They said: "Wilt Thou place therein one who will make mischief therein and shed blood?- whilst we do celebrate Thy praises and glorify Thy holy (name)?" He said: "I know what ye know not." (Quran 2:30)

New content starts. This is about the creature of Adam and earthly life. In the Unseen World there are inhabitants, too. They are the Jinns and Angels. A conversation begins between Allah and the Angels where Allah declares His will to create vicegerent (Caliph) on Earth. The Arabic word “Khalipha” means a person who is a representative or follower. This word also expresses subordination under the One Who has to be represented and followed. Angels were doubted about the advent of any creation in the Visible World who is able to realize this mission with responsibility without being selfish what leads him to the side of sins. This is a Biblical forecast of the future by the Angels. However, this is only a forecast by them but Allah knows what is going to happen and what will come at the end.
