Can inspiration happen after Mohammed (PBUH)?
Yes, it can happen, but revelation cannot come.
After verse 5:3 has been revealed no further revelation can come from God. However, Allah is there in every single life of those who want Him. In every person works Fitra, the internal program what we carry in ourselves from our birth. Fitra gives us orientation even in childhood what is good or bad no matter anybody tells it or not. This program later is strengthened or changed due to our upbringing. Besides Fitra, Allah (SWT) can give us Signs, senses of recognition, conducts of imaginations, sudden guidance what disappear as quickly as they have come. However, even lasting inspiration can exist. As a matter of fact, I should like to share my experience what I had during translation of Quran. There were several parts where I was lingering, hesitating some time as the former explanations of our ulemas didn’t help me. Several times happened that I got into a state when I felt as if I exist together with the Prophet (PBUH) and am present in his life events, circumstances of his sermons, in his wars and in his relations with his companions. As if I flew back in space and time to the middle if a theater play. I stayed in that way for months when I could cause this stage to come or it came on its own. Even the expected response came. Any question what I concentrated to was solved and satisfactory explanations came. Since I finished the work these kinds of stages what I consider as inspirations have disappeared. May Allah accepts my work and opens a way what He likes. Let’s see what Quran writes regarding inspiration:
It is not fitting for a man that Allah should speak to him except by inspiration, or from behind a veil, or by the sending of a messenger to reveal, with Allah's permission, what Allah wills: for He is Most High, Most Wise. (Quran 42:51)
How can man be fit to speak to Allah? He is not fit. But there are three ways in which Allah, in His infinite Mercy, communicates with man. Three ways are mentioned: - Wahyun, Inspiration; - from behind a veil; and - by the sending of a Messenger.
See the notes following, Wahyun. Inspiration, is interpreted to be of two kinds: 1. a suggestion thrown by Allah into the heart or mind of man, by which man understands the substance of the Message, whether it is a command or prohibition, or an explanation of a great truth; and 2. verbal or literal inspiration, by which the actual words of Allah are conveyed in human language. Behind a veil: not of course a material veil, but the veil of Light.
Messenger: Rasul: the angel Gabriel, through whom the revelations were given to the Holy Prophet. These spiritual visions, conveying the message of Revelation, are the basis of the Quran
I wrote above: “…Allah is there in every single life of those who want Him”. Sportsmen do heavy training in order to develop the required muscles and skills. Spiritual life is similar. Relation will be active between man and God only if there is a skill what has been developed. Worship, meditation and staying in permanent dialog with Allah makes this ability work.
Let me give you another example what happened with me. In my African life I went through in desperate situations several times. Specially, when I was blamed innocently and I was detained. In my cell I could not know whether the truth will ever be revealed. In these circumstances the Lord has sent me automatically the next verse:
When My servants ask thee concerning Me, I am indeed close (to them): I listen to the prayer of every suppliant when he calleth on Me: Let them also, with a will, Listen to My call, and believe in Me: That they may walk in the right way. (Quran 2:186)
“When my servants ask Me, I am indeed close”. The word “Say” is not here. Not like this: “When my servants ask me, say (o Mohammed), I am indeed close”. This is a unique place in Quran where Allah turns directly to the believers. And He continues: “I listen to the prayer of every servant when he calleth Me.” Also, it is a direct call for every human who believe.
So, I asked Him and He was close to me and listened. Now I am free and teach what He left for us by His Prophets and His last Prophet Mohammed (PBUH). My work in this life would never have come together without inspiration what I got from Him. Alhamdulillah.