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Donkey loaded witdh books

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Eddig olvastam
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Donkey loaded witdh books

2020. április 16. - 19:11

Let’s see some verses regarding our behavior

O ye who believe! Raise not your voices above the voice of the Prophet, nor speak aloud to him in talk, as ye may speak aloud to one another, lest your deeds become vain and ye perceive not. (Quran 49:2)

Here comes the crying donkey as a parable. However, the verse is not about the donkey. It is about the men who transgress the regulations of etiquette:

"And be moderate in thy pace, and lower thy voice; for the harshest of sounds without doubt is the braying of the ass." (Quran 31:19)

The similitude of those who were charged with the (obligations of the) Mosaic Law, but who subsequently failed in those (obligations), is that of a donkey which carries huge tomes (but understands them not). Evil is the similitude of people who falsify the Signs of Allah. and Allah guides not people who do wrong. (Quran 62:5)

The Children of Israel were chosen as special vehicles for Allah's Message early in history. When their descendants corrupted the Message and became guilty of all the abominations against which prophets like Isaiah inveighed with such zeal and fire, they merely became like beasts of burden that carry learning and wisdom on their backs but do not understand or profit by it.

You should notice that the verse here is not about the donkey and some Jewish literates who went astray from the right path! This is a parable. Parable is always about you, me and we. We have to discover ourselves in it! How true is it! We throw the world of Allah to every direction excluding the spirit of Quran which is the most important. Where is submission and finding peace in Him when we throw His words?

Let’s see how does this warning work in people of today regardless their religion and affiliation? Men are self-conscious, wiseacre, explaining every small and big issues. They read some books and they have smart telephones in their hands what have access to Google. Therefore, they think that the whole knowledge of earth is available with them!

Megmosolyogtató. Vannak témák, melyekhez hozzá sem szabadna kezdeni, hiszen irracionális térben zajlanak. Ilyen a hit, szerelem és minden, amiben nem az agy, hanem a szív lát. Milyen a magyarázat, ha nincs szív és minden csak érv-ellenérv alapú, illetve matériában, evilági léptékben, Google hozzáférésben mérhető?
De sem a Google, sem az agy nem lát mindent, hanem csak azt, amit a benne tárolt információk rejtenek. És az ilyen alapú adathalmaz, ha eljut az ember értékeléséig, már nem objektív, hiszen egyénhez kötött. Az egyén pedig a teremtés nagyon gyenge alanya, hiszen nem csak esendő, hanem felejtő és halandó. És ha emellett még bárgyú is? Íme, megint jöhet a szamár, amire könyveket aggatnak! De aggathatnak okostelefonokat is. Az eredmény nem változik.
It makes me smile. There are cases what they even cannot approach as these issues take place in the irrational dimension. Such cases are love, belief and anything where heart can see and brain cannot. What kind of explanation can be given if there is no heart and everything is judged according to material arguments-counterarguments, evaluated by worldly measures or by access to the data bank of Google?
However, not Google and not the brain can see everything. They can see issues according to the information stored in them. Their data base if goes through the decision taking process will become not objective as it is linked to a particular person. And men as we know is fallible, forgetful and mortal. And he is dunderhead sometimes, too! So, let’s bring the donkey back and load on him the books. However, even smart telephones can be loaded over him! The result will remain the same.

So, hold back the demanding ego hidden in ourselves and let’s learn the vision by our hearts which is the greatest science no matter which age and place we live. And it has another advantage: donkeys don’t carry hearts!
