Fundless reality
Anybody who works with finance knows what credit or liquidity means. The backing coverage of something is a credit, real estate, personalities, good, securities etc. what owner can give if he cannot realize a contract or the realization is late. So, the backing coverage is an obligation what can be charged for those who don’t fulfil an agreed promise or act.
What about banks, mainly central banks where banknotes are issued? Do these banknotes have any backing coverage? What is the guaranty behind a hundred-dollar banknote? Is there gold, security, stake with similar value behind? Now truth comes to surface! There is nothing what can guarantee the value! As a result, any transaction what has been achieved with this kind of currency relies on lied values. In the salon terminology of banks, they say: speculation. If I give loan in this currency and charge fee for its use, I push the transaction to even more speculative direction as I sell a lied value for real value. This is usury what is Haram. Here you are the explanation:
Those who devour usury will not stand except as stand one whom the Evil one by his touch Hath driven to madness. That is because they say: "Trade is like usury," but Allah hath permitted trade and forbidden usury. Those who after receiving direction from their Lord, desist, shall be pardoned for the past; their case is for Allah (to judge); but those who repeat (The offence) are companions of the Fire: They will abide therein (for ever). (Quran 2:275)
Usury or interest are obtained without invested effort what is prohibited. A lot of ayas put in focus the evil of usury. Beside Holy Quran, the words of Prophet (peace upon be him) in his last pilgrimage were related to the prohibition of usury which represent Fitna what generates other sins. The basic features of usury or interest:
- Selling time or air. In Islam every trade transaction must have a subject. In case I borrow my money to someone for a period of time and after the period is over I ask my money back plus interest, what was the subject of the business? In this case I sold the time or air and none of them belong to me. It is Haram.
- Selling money itself. Money is only a symbol of the value behind the good or service. In real business we sell and buy real goods and services. If one sells the symbol in order to manipulate the market, commits sin.
- Usury or interest is considered chrematistics where money makes money and not production and services make money. This is speculation.
O ye who believe! Devour not usury, doubled and multiplied; but fear Allah. that ye may (really) prosper. (Quran 3:130)
Usury or the missing backing coverage is a central issue in Islam. Mohammed (pbuh) warned about it even in his Farewell Sermon before he died:
God has forbidden you to take usury (interest), therefore all interest obligation shall henceforth be waived. Your capital, however, is yours to keep. You will neither inflict nor suffer any inequity.
We have to ponder over it! Why Islam deals with the missing funds so much? The reason: world works basically on the back of monetary systems. In case the backing coverage of currencies is missing the lack of liability will spread further in the whole life. So, everything will rely on lies. If you participate in this cashflow you will have your share in the crime, no matter you want it or not. Even you use the fake funds, the piece of paper what you give for others as payment so you deceive them. On the other hand, if you take a loan for a given period, the subject of the purchase is the time. So, you buy time. You are fool if people can sell you the time! You will be successful in your business only if you involve your financing partner to common loss or profit of your enterprise. If you don’t do that, you will fail and you will hide your failure with committing further sins: lies, blackmailing, giving loans with extra interests etc.
The money what has no backing coverage generates speculation, tyranny, wars and oppression. You are involved in that process totally
What is the consequence? The consequence is that every field of life will lose its backing:
- vanities replace essence
- fallibility and weakness replace truth and just
- friendships become superficial where interests dominate
- Love dries up where every partner expects something from the other.
- relation between child and parents depends on heritage and assets. Old parents are placed in elderly homes
- business and deception have become synonyms
- Cultural emptiness will occur. The only issue what counts: how many people read the paper or the number of viewers. How many are sold and bought. Nobody cares about the quality.
- Even worships become empty. “Give me o, Lord”, I ask You o, Lord”, “Help me o, Lord”! Only requests, begging, nowhere a simple gratitude or offering.
Religions rush towards emptiness. I said religions and didn’t say faith. Therefore, I can say: there is no Islam today. It is only an Islam-like phenomenon what is kept popular by some imitators of Islam. They are backed with enormous sources of money in order to keep the eyes of billions blind. After all, who the hell cares about the growing number of Muslims? Why is it so important that masses of converters or reverters join? What is their advantage if they are blind and deaf and tremendous amount of money keeps them blind and deaf?
This is the image of the world today. As a general rule: sheep are slaughtered and cooked by the shepherd than wolf can eat them, too. You should know: every sheep are victims of murder! Why is it important after all, who is Sunni or Shite? Why is an issue that Muslimas wear Hijab or not? Who is right, imam Ali or Moawiya? Hanafi or Hanbali? We put ourselves in a trend what started 1400 years ago and our lives and thoughts are manipulated and kept in our own trap by external and internal powers.
In the same time world sent humans to the moon and brains are linked by information technology into one center. Every single dollar of yours circulates in one circulation following the basic rule: you produce real value with your work and you get in exchange empty paper notes what have no coverage and worth nothing. Then there is a lied value behind this note what you keep in your pocket and you start to collect papers. Later the face-value of the notes will be changed. Time comes when you put your notes in banks as deposit and your money enters into different speculations. Could you count how many times have you been deceived? Of course, you have your share in this crime! But you must participate in this crime in order to survive. I don’t blame you because you do it out of your consciousness. I blame only those who have the book in their hands and they don’t teach the people! They are those who know the truth and they ignore it! They take part in the anti-human processes. They are those who summon the Satan in Mecca, issue passport to Heaven, convince you to blow yourself up while they enjoy their increasing wealth. Those are they who take away the real backing coverage of Islam what can help humans to survive and coexist peacefully.
And cover not Truth with falsehood, nor conceal the Truth when ye know (what it is). (Quran 2:42)
What is the objective? No! The solution is not revolt or revolution because revolutions today have a ready scenario on the planning tables of strategy makers. However, nobody can fight with the time! Everybody gets old and dies and everything pass away with time. And the time is in the hand of Allah. Our duty is the preservation and transmission of values to another age and they can become constructive motivations when brains will be available to accept them.
I ask Allah (SWT) to remove the gloom from our eyes, forgive our sins and guide us in His way without destructive powers! I ask Allah to take my capacities, skills and insert them in His Universal Plan!