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In the mainstream: organizations acting in the name of islam but realizing other content

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Eddig olvastam
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In the mainstream: organizations acting in the name of islam but realizing other content

2021. február 05. - 18:37

On the thousands of pages of my work, I have deduced what the classical teaching of Islam is, how beautiful the harmony of principles is that introduce man to the order of creation. Whatever I did, I did little, as this too, allow only a little glimpse into the fantastic system that God has given into our hands as a Guidance.

In addition to the many good comments, I received several criticisms. Most of these criticisms came from visceral hatred brought to the surface by religious chauvinism or by misleading mass communication, none of which derived theories from Islam but from the supposed or real deeds of Muslims. This was accompanied by a team of wise-asses who, with their own 20-30 years of experiences and insights, questioning and overwriting the rock-solid foundation of the faith of one and a half billion people, that exists for more than 1,400 years, i.e. the Quran. Then come those who can see only in the rational space. They hold credible only what science can prove. Even though the science they idolize, take huge steps in discovering the world, but the philosophy behind science, which is the driving force of discovery, ultimately come true in military applications and puts in “rational space” the achievements of the human genius primarily by the production of weapons of mass destruction. In addition, our achievements are the cause of the environmental pollution, global warming, and making the world uninhabitable. In other words, our science worth a piece of shit if knowledge does harm more than causes good.

The classical teachings of Islam provide Guidance in establishing harmony between the world that can be grasped by the human brain (rational) and the world that cannot be grasped (irrational). The goal is to bring our knowledge, our human relationships and the series of transactions during our lives into harmony with creation.

And now comes a series of articles in which I stand by the critics who ask: where does all that you have described about Islam work, sheikh? The answer is: nowhere. And it doesn’t stem from what people see on the surface. Not the Shiite-Sunni disaccord, Islamic schools fighting between each other, the Islamic State, terrorism, etc. makes the original creed invisible because these are only end products. The trouble is much greater.

The causes should not be sought at the level of mosques. Mosques are also dependent institutions; their thoughts and budget are fed from somewhere else. I’m not going back to the Middle Ages, I’m just looking at recent events, including three important determinants: Saudi Arabia, the hidden organization of the Muslim Brotherhood, and Iran. From these focuses can be deduced many organizations to which I should devote chapters. These organizations fill the media with news, although they are only proxy executors of the above three determinants. But in addition to having a separate action plan, these big three also serve as proxies for the U.S., Israel, and Russia. Moreover, it may be for China and others. Thus, what appears to be a terrorist assassination on the surface in the name of Islam may be something completely different.

Who is the victim of all that? The simple Muslim alone, who lives his/her daily life and is confronted by the misled public opinion of the world. Then he/she hurries to the mosque in order to find a refuge and rushes into another trap. His/her own sheikhs continue to fool him/her and distract him/her from the path that Islam is proclaiming.

Let’s look at Saudi Arabia, Wahhabism and its attachments, the Muslim Brotherhood, and Iran in the following articles. I warn everyone in advance that the next writings will all about interests and no one should look for Islamic teachings behind them.
