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Expecting the heritage

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Expecting the heritage

2021. január 28. - 18:37

Is it possible to covet inheritance while the legator is still alive?

t is not possible! This is a categorical no.
In Islam, one-third of the inheritance is divided by the free will of the legator and two-thirds are divided according to the religious rules. After death, two things must be paid from the inheritance. Debt, if any, and funeral expenses. After deduction of these, the two-thirds and one-third are divided. For this reason alone, no one can covet for an expected legacy, but there are two other reasons:

  1. How does a person know that he or she will not die sooner than the person from whom he or she expects the inheritance? Life and death are in the hands of Allah. Any expectation related to that, doubts the faith in Allah.
  2. How does the heiress know if he/she will receive the expected share? After all, he from whom he/she expects a legacy can still expend his own property during his lifetime and he has every right to do so. What if he's sick and sells everything in order for his recovery?
    Under such circumstances, expecting an inheritance is inhuman and, according to Sharia, is forbidden.
