Relation between man and woman
What I write below, it doesn’t reflect reality. I’ve built up my thoughts based on Quran and haven’t put men in my regard. This is a stage what has been revealed by Allah (SWT) and it is our human responsibility to reach this stage.
And among His Signs is this, that He created for you mates from among yourselves, that ye may dwell in tranquillity with them, and He has put love and mercy between your (hearts): verily in that are Signs for those who reflect. (Quran 30:21)
This refers to the wonderful mystery of sex. Children arise out of the union of the sexes. Another important statement: there is no love without mercy! And in contrary. During common life we commit mistakes. This is normal. Whit mercy these mistakes will not play any role. However, without mercy? Don’t even think about it!
O mankind! reverence your Guardian-Lord, who created you from a single person, created, of like nature, His mate, and from them twain scattered (like seeds) countless men and women;- reverence Allah, through whom ye demand your mutual (rights), and (reverence) the wombs (That bore you): for Allah ever watches over you. (Quran 4:1)
All starts from Adam and Eve where Adam was created as a single person and Eve was created from him. We all follow their example. We are also creatures and our wives are part of us. This is marriage the basement of the society and our next generation. All our mutual rights and duties are referred to Allah. We are His creatures: His Will is the standard and measure of Allah; and our duties are measured by our conformity with His Will. Among ourselves (human beings) our mutual rights and duties arise out of Allah's Law, the sense of Right that is implanted in us by Him. Among the most wonderful mysteries of our nature is that of sex. The unregenerate male is apt, in the pride of his physical strength, to forget the all-important part which the female plays in his very existence, and in all the social relationships that arise in our collective human lives. The mother that bore us must ever have our reverence. The wife, through whom we enter parentage, must have our reverence. Sex, which governs so much of our physical life, and has so much influence on our emotional and higher nature, deserves-not our fear, or our contempt, or our amused indulgence, but-our reverence in the highest sense of the term. With this fitting introduction we enter on a discussion of women, orphans, and family relationships.
In Islam marriage is not sainthood like in the Christianity. Love and human emotions cannot be prescribed in institutional forms. However, the material relation between man and woman has to be legalized and regulated, therefore the marriage in Islam is prescribed in a form of civil contract where rights and obligations of the parties are laid down in the frame of the agreement between the two families.
I don’t want to open the chapter of rights and duties. If we put jurisprudence in focus when we speak about communities where love represents the cohesion at the end of the day love will disappear! Therefore, I don’t enter the regulations on marriage, divorce, witness in case of debts, inheritance, widow status and others.
MOTHER is the basement of everything! If mother is kept as an animal, she will bring up animals. If mother is respected and beloved the family will be established for long term on relations what are not based on rights. Also, it starts from the mother what kind of relation will be developed between man and woman in the next generation. At the moment I am speaking about a mother and not about a morally different person or a stranger who is called wife. On the male side I make the similar comment. A FATHER WHO STANDS for his family and for his spouse can ensure the environment for the MOTHER. So, I don’t speak about a simple male or macho or an empty guy who is called husband. However, back to the mother:
Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: A person came to Messenger of Allah and asked, "Who among people is most deserving of my fine treatment?" He said, "Your mother". He again asked, ''Who next?" "Your mother", the Prophet replied again. He asked, "Who next?" He (the Prophet said again, "Your mother." He again asked, "Then who?" Thereupon he said," Then your father."
Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, because Allah has given the one more (strength) than the other, and because they support them from their means…. Quran 4:34)
“Qouwamun” means stand for or protect. Maybe Allah has bestowed the privilege of strength and power for men over the women but He prescribed for men what to do with this privilege. Men has to protect women and they have not to take advantage from their position. Women have to obey men and guard the house and properties in the absence of men. Also, it is not allowed for her to speak out the secrets of the house.
So far, the explanation.
Ages and places differ. The physical strength used to play decisive role. The strength of men was needed in battles, everyday work, and in defense of family.
Times are in permanent change and forklifts, cranes have been discovered, so the strength of man doesn’t mean so much. Importance of brain, creativity is in progress where women are as good as men. I don’t degrade any of the genders when I state that their values are not the same. They differ. It is quite normal that there is a biological predestination. Due to this predestination there are those differences what make us all happy in all sides. Due to these differences we can serve and complete each other. Sexuality is a very narrow area what is spoken out intensively, however, there are much more subjects where our differences are for one another. A man can see different issue than a woman in life-situations, planning, exploring each other’s qualities, creativity etc. If they put together their views, their judgement will be more efficient. However, neither is inferior to the other and neither is superior to the other.
The standing for and protecting role of man and the caring love of woman is needed no matter in what age we live. And in contrary as well. The revelation of Holy Quran here is written in our soul. There were ages when this text was necessary to be exposed in written form. However, if it was necessary to explain relation between man and woman and to plant particular rights and regulations in it, the following question will be raised: who was your mother, family, nation, society where this issue has been left opened? If you expect divine revelation prescribing your relation between you and your mother, spouse, daughter and other females of your society, you have already got the answer above when I quoted the creation of male and female from a single soul. Therefore, you must think of women as parts of your souls! This thought contains everything! It contains the case even if you have no soul, too!
And now here you are my private opinion. Relation between man and woman depends on cultural level and not on religion. If the common feeling of creation from the one soul exists, after a particular cultural level the relation between man and woman automatically regulates itself no matter if differences occur in linguistic, ethnical, political, national, religious or other areas. If these two conditions don’t exist even small daily quarrels, discrepancies can change life bitter. Unfortunately, the feeling of creation from one soul and cultural understanding is missing in many cases where man and woman are from the same religion. What can any Scripture do in this case? Even there are differences between the couple in its interpretation!