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2021. január 30. - 18:58

How easy the life would be if we don’t make each other’s business harder! Right? Fraud, lies, deceptions. And the falsification of measures, the excessive extension of our own borders!

Woe to those that deal in fraud, - (Quran 83:1)

"Fraud" must here be taken in a widely general sense. It covers giving short measure or short weight, but it covers much more than that. The next two verses make it clear that it is the spirit of injustice that is condemned, giving too little and asking too much. This may be shown in commercial dealings, where a man exacts a higher standard in his own favor than he is willing to concede as against him. In domestic or social matters an individual or group may ask for honor, or respect, or services which he or they are not willing to give on their side in similar circumstances.
But it is more completely expressed. You must give in full what it due from you, whether you expect or wish to receive full consideration from the other side or not.

Those who, when they have to receive by measure from men, exact full measure, (Quran 83:2)

But when they have to give by measure or weight to men, give less than due. (Quran 83:3)

Cohabitation would be much blossoming if we made each other’s lives easier. It doesn't need much to do! We must be just more permissive. The following Hadith paints a picture of a market where people buy, sell, borrow and demand debt. Unfair profits, unjustified price increases, illegal buy-outs and greedy collection of impossible claims are prohibited. In human transactions, the basic rules are leniency, tolerance and temperance. All this works if the parties mutually follow the standards based on that Tracking the measures and standards is required.

Narrated Jabir bin `Abdullah:
Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) said, "May Allah's mercy be on him who is lenient in his buying, selling, and in demanding back his money."

Reference: Sahih al-Bukhari 2076

Temperance in purchasing, sales and claims is to be construed here not only in a direct but also in a figurative sense. After all, thoughts are sold with every pronounced word and bought with every listened word. At the same time, we demand the enforcement of our rights, which is not a problem if our ego does not override our boundaries.
There are people who emphasize their own importance by making things difficult for others. They create a situation in which they are the problem-solvers, but these problems are produced by them.
Many make a living out of that. The world would be a much more livable place if we didn’t have to spend unnecessary energy, money for something that is natural to get it, or is available easily if the norms were followed. These “obstacle-makers” make difficult for us to live together.
